Need Help With Query

  • I have the following 2 tables:

    TABLE: Game

    GameID, Team1ID, Team2ID

    TABLE: TeamList

    TeamListID, TeamName


    I'd like to retrieve the "TeamName" for both "Team1ID" and "Team2ID" in the same query if possible.  I've been using 2 queries to retrieve this info (see below).  Is there any way to retrieve this info in 1 query?  I'd love to minimize the # of calls to the database.  Thanks in advance for any help.

    --QUERY1: Team1 Name

    SELECT TeamName FROM TeamList tl JOIN Game g ON tl.TeamListID = g.Team1ID

    --QUERY2: Team2 Name

    SELECT TeamName FROM TeamList tl JOIN Game g ON tl.TeamListID = g.Team2ID


  • You need to use aliases ... effectively creating two instances of the TeamList table and then using them as if you had two separate (but identical) tables ...

    select team1.teamname, team2.teamname

    from game g

    inner join Teamlist team1 on g.Team1ID = team1.TeamListID

    inner join Teamlist team2 on g.Team2ID = team2.TeamListID

    haven't tested this, but should be pretty close

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • It worked - many thanks!

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