Need Help Writing a CASE Statement???

  • I have a column in my table (let's call it Col014), and I have some NULL values...along with whole values such as 197, 180 etc...

    How can I write the CASE statment so that whenever Col014 ISNULL then change the value of Col014 to 7.45???

    This is important because I need to sum up the values in this column and need to replace the Null values with 7.45 to make this work...

    Can someone give me a helping hand?

    Thank you!

  • HI

    This is what u r looking for:

    select isnull(Col014,7.45) from your_table



  • CASE

    WHEN COL014 IS NULL THEN COL014 = 7.45



    may do...

  • No, that will not do. You cannot assign the output value to the column in the CASE statement.

    the statement : select ISNULL(COL014, 7.45) AS COL014 would work fine. Prefer the flexibility of the COALESCE function which allows you to examine several values successively for NULL.



    Kindest Regards,

    Habib Zmerli (MVP)

  • Alternatively, if the data column must include a value why not update the column to 7.45 where you have NULLS.  Will make the actual query easier!

  • UPDATE tblMyTable

    SET Col014 = 7.45

    WHERE Col014 IS NULL

  • SELECT Col014  = COALESCE(Col014 , 7.45 ) , * FROM tblMyTable

  • Once you have all null values updated to 7.45 in the table, you may want to set Col014 to not null and set a default value of 7.45 on the field to prevent any more nulls.

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