Need help writing query

  • I need help writing a query. I attached an excel file with sample data.

    Essentially I have 2 tables.

    Table 1 contains the following....

    PricingDrugForecastCountryID | PricingDrugID


    22, 1

    23, 1

    24, 1

    25, 2

    26, 2

    Table 2 contains the following

    RegimenID | PricingDrugForecastCountryID


    1, 22

    1, 23

    2, 22

    What I need to happen is write an insert query that will insert the PricingDrugForecastCountryID's that are missing for a regimenid where it's apart of that pricing drug.

    so the following records would be inserted

    RegimenID | PricingDrugForecastCountryID


    1, 24

    2, 23

    2, 24

    No records will be inserted from pricingDrugID=2 because there is no mapping for that in table2 (i.e. there is no regimen mapped to PricingDrugForecastCountryID = 25 or 26.

    I managed to do this, but it took me 3 queries.

  • hi,

    What are the three queries you wrote? We can probably help optimise them or improve them.

  • patrick ryan (4/30/2009)

    I need help writing a query. I attached an excel file with sample data.

    Hi Patrick,

    It really helps all of the volunteers that help out on this web site if you post your sample code like this:

    declare @PricingDrugForecastCountry TABLE (

    PricingDrugForecastCountryID int,

    PricingDrug int,

    PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (PricingDrugForecastCountryID))

    declare @RegimenMapping TABLE (

    RegimenID int,

    PricingDrugForecastCountryID int,

    PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (RegimenID, PricingDrugForecastCountryID))

    insert into @PricingDrugForecastCountry

    select 22 ,1 UNION

    select 23 ,1 UNION

    select 24 ,1 UNION

    select 25 ,1 UNION

    select 26 ,2 UNION

    select 27 ,2 UNION

    select 28 ,2

    insert into @RegimenMapping

    select 99 ,22 UNION

    select 99 ,23 UNION

    select 99 ,24 UNION

    select 100,24 UNION

    select 100,25 UNION

    select 101,26

    In this way, we can just copy and paste your code directly into our query window, and we're ready to help you. It saves us a considerable amount of time, and since we're all volunteers, it gives us more time to help others. If we have to do this, it also usually means that there is more setup code (as in this case) than actual code that shows you how to handle your issue. Additionally, this positively identifies table structures, indexes, etc. You end up getting tested code. For more information on how to do this, see the link in my signature.

    Now, try this code to see how it works out for you:

    ;with CTE AS

    ( -- get all possible combinations

    select distinct r.RegimenID, p.PricingDrugForecastCountryID, p.PricingDrug

    from @PricingDrugForecastCountry p

    cross join @RegimenMapping r


    insert into @RegimenMapping

    select CTE.RegimenID, CTE.PricingDrugForecastCountryID

    from CTE -- get just the valid combinations from all of them

    INNER JOIN @RegimenMapping r ON r.RegimenID = CTE.RegimenID

    where CTE.PricingDrug IN (select PricingDrug from @PricingDrugForecastCountry

    where PricingDrugForecastCountryID = r.PricingDrugForecastCountryID)

    EXCEPT -- then exclude the ones already in the file

    select r.RegimenID, p.PricingDrugForecastCountryID

    from @PricingDrugForecastCountry p

    INNER JOIN @RegimenMapping r ON r.PricingDrugForecastCountryID

    = p.PricingDrugForecastCountryID

    select * from @RegimenMapping order by RegimenID, PricingDrugForecastCountryID

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • WayneS (4/30/2009)

    patrick ryan (4/30/2009)

    I need help writing a query. I attached an excel file with sample data.

    Hi Patrick,

    It really helps all of the volunteers that help out on this web site if you post your sample code like this:

    Patrick, for future posts, take a look at the link in my signature below for some easy ways to post data to get bettere answers quicker.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

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