need MasterId from comma seperated column values

  • select * into #test1 from (

    select 1 ID, 'Dog, Cat' Animal, 'Pet' TypeOfAnimal


    select 2, 'Tiger, Lion', 'Wild'

    ) T1

    select * into #Master from (

    select 1 MasterID, 'Dog' TypeOfAnimal


    select 2 ID, 'Cat'


    select 3 ID, 'Tiger'


    select 4 ID, 'Lion'

    ) T2

    select * from #test1

    select * from #Master

    I need the out put in below format, with out doing a loop, i need it with a inner join. This is just a sample structure, but my realtime scenario has thousands of records from which i need to fill transaction records, because of which I want to avoid loop.

    Please help.

    MasterID Animal TypeOfAnimal


    1 Dog Pet

    2 Cat Pet

    3 Tiger Wild

    4 Lion Wild

  • select M.*,t.TypeOfAnimal from #Master as m inner join #test1 as t on ', '+t.Animal +', ' like '%, '+m.TypeOfAnimal+', %'


    Failing to plan is Planning to fail

  • Thanks a lot for the awesome logic... 🙂

    Some problem with the logic, when the data is like this:

    drop table #test1

    drop table #Master

    select * into #test1 from (

    select 1 ID, 'Dog' Animal, 'Pet' TypeOfAnimal


    select 2, 'Tiger, Lion,elp', 'Wild'

    ) T1

    select * into #Master from (

    select 1 MasterID, 'Dog' TypeOfAnimal


    select 2 ID, 'Cat'


    select 3 ID, 'Tiger'


    select 4 ID, 'Lion'

    ) T2

    --select * from #test1

    --select * from #Master

    select M.*,t.TypeOfAnimal

    from #Master as m

    inner join #test1 as t on ', '+t.Animal +', ' like '%, '+m.TypeOfAnimal+', %'

  • Please have a look at this link:[/url]

    You can use the function dbo.DelimitedSplit8K to split your comma-separated lists into rows and then join the resulting table to your #master table on TypeOfAnimal to retrieve what would be the #test1.ID for each row in #master.

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