Need recommendations for using either C++/C# to SQL 2005

  • Does anyone have any book/course materials that would give advanced technique and knowledge of how to tie into SQL Server 2005 via C++/VisualC++/C#?

    I'm trying to understand why someone would want to do it this way (as opposed to just using data access or even JAVA for that matter), but that is what has been asked of me to research.

    Any books or course materials that you know of that would give real indepth know-how of this would be really appreciated.



  • They would want to do for the same reason they would using JAVA. They are writing an application in one of those languages and need to access data from a SQL Server 2005 database. Many times the choice of lanuage to write in is based on experience, standards, toolset, customer requirements, or potentially dozens of other reasons.

    But the real question is what are you exactly wanting to know. There are many books on Databases and C#/C++ which cover SQL Server. You can also check out examples and articles at other sites such as

    Beyond that I would need to know what your goal is to know where to point you.

  • Thank you for your quick reply.

    The program we currently use while tying into Sybase and Oracle is built in the C languages (I think C++ specifically), but as I was discussing this fact with a colleague of mine, he was wondering why we would want to be doing this (now that we are moving to SQL 2005 as our primary DBMS).  Obviously if our base code is in C++ then perhaps going another way with another language is not going to happen, but it was a question he asked me, and it did get me wondering - why are we doing things this way if our intention is to work with SQL as the primary DBMS from here on out?  Perhaps as a Web App even later on.

    I understand his point with the whole .NET 3.0 discussion not withstanding, but moreover - he was saying "why don't they save themseleves a ton of work and just go with some sort of Data Access method"?

    I can't really describe my need any further than that.  Just any book titles/ISBN's/etc...that would discuss tying into SQL 2005 from either C++ or C#.

    Can you give me some specific titles where this is either the primary focus, or at least touched on during the book?  Again - in advanced terms would be preferred.


    Thanks again

  • Unfortunately I haven't had to find a book in some time as I have been doing. However I would goto Amazon and search thru books for C# (or C++) and SQL (or databases). My search was "c# SQL" and got several results back. a few of which look promising.

  • Awesome!  Many thanks and I appreciate it!



  • If it's half dozen of one and six of the other I would definitely take a look at C# vs. C++ - C# was pretty much built from the ground up to work with SQL Server (or Oracle for that matter) without having to load a bunch of libraries, etc...  as far as web application development, C# (aka ASP.Net) is definitely a lot easier than writing ISAPI extensions, etc. in C++.



  • Thank you again - yes the APress stuff on C# to SQL looks most promising.

    Looking forward to seeing how this all pans out.


    Many thanks to you both again...



  • I am on old c/c++ programmer, did some java for a while, but recently had the need to do c# for an application.  Just a comment.  It was pretty easy to pick up and integrate into the DB.  Oracle is a little tricky, Sysbase is about the same(maybe slightly easier), but SQL Server integration into VS2005 is about as tight as you can get. 

    As far as coding, I found that learning C# was easier than the VS2005 application.  Just keep that in mind in finding a book.  Assuming you plan on using VS2005, make sure that whatever book you get it is written around the VS.  Even for C++ there are a lot of things you have to understand to get it to work the way that MS expects you to do it.  If you don't you will lose a lot of functionality.

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