Need suggestions on how to fix a broken table partitioning job

  • Hey Folks,

    I inherited a 12TB database that has a table partition job setup on it, however it appears that the job has been failing consistently for a few years. Here is the message when it tries to add a zero partition at the top:

    Date		9/26/2021 12:05:17 AM
    Log Job History (Partition Maintence | ps_Signal_TwoYearsWeekly)

    Step ID 3
    Server PR0DAT089_C5G
    Job Name Partition Maintence | ps_Signal_TwoYearsWeekly
    Step Name Adding a zero partition buffer at the top
    Duration 00:00:36
    Sql Severity 15
    Sql Message ID 35346
    Operator Emailed
    Operator Net sent
    Operator Paged
    Retries Attempted 0

    Executed as user: PR0DAT0\srvc.MSSQL.Agent. SPLIT clause of ALTER PARTITION statement failed because the partition is not empty. Only empty partitions can be split in when a columnstore index exists on the table. Consider an ALTER TABLE SWITCH operation from one of the nonempty partitions on the source table to a temporary staging table and then re-attempt the ALTER PARTITION SPLIT operation. Once completed, use ALTER TABLE SWITCH to move the staging table partition back to the original source table. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 35346). The step failed.

    The table itself has 18 billion rows and is 1.4TB in size. If the table were small in size we would just drop the CCI, re-run the job, and add the CCI back on, but we assume that by dropping the CCI the space would balloon back to normal size, and would likely run us out of space. The attached pic shows the partition info by filegroup, and as you can see the last partition is packed full of data because the job hasn't been working.  2021-09-30_12-45-31

    Looking for suggestions on how we might be able to get this working again, as admittedly I'm just now starting to get my hands dirty with table partitioning and still have a lot to learn. TIA!!

  • error message does tell you what to do -

    • create a staging table with same structure of the main table, with all required constraints/indexed
    • do a partition switch from the partition you need to split onto that staging table
    • split partition
    • and then do partition switch from staging back to main table to the corresponding partition

    as a best practice for partition switching it is ALWAYS advisable to have an empty partition at the end of the chain - so that sometime before the need to use the last partition (or at the time where it would be needed, you do the split before you add data to that partition

  • Thanks for the reply, and the job is already doing that, or trying to at least. When it fails, its on the step where it's trying to add space on top, which is the error message I provided.

    ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION pf_Signal_TwoYearsWeekly()
    SPLIT RANGE (format(DATEADD(DAY, (((7*+2)+1)-DATEPART(dw, getdate())), getdate()), 'yyyyMMdd'))

    The part where we leave the lowest partition empty is at the end of the job, and looks like this

    /*	We always leave the lowest partition empty so we're not splitting on data.
    So, let's take the 2nd lowest value and merge both 0 sides on that value.
    SET @SQL = ''

    + 'alter partition function pf_Signal_TwoYearsWeekly()
    merge range ('''
    + convert(varchar(8),pr.value)
    + ''')'
    from sys.partition_functions pf
    join sys.partition_schemes ps
    on pf.function_id = ps.function_id
    join sys.partition_range_values pr
    on pr.function_id = pf.function_id
    where = 'pf_Signal_TwoYearsWeekly()'
    and pr.boundary_id = 2


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by  DataGuy.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by  DataGuy.

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