Need to buy sql server 2012 developer edition

  • Greetings all!

    So I want to purchase the 2012 developer edition, and while I know I could go to Amazon or newegg or an online vendor, I was hoping to purchase either 1) A local copy from a store or 2) Purchase a digital version

    I have searched the online stores of local stores to no avail and I am not sure where one would physically be able to buy a copy of Developer edition. I tried a few google searches as well for a Digital copy.

    I will order a copy here shortly from Amazon most-likely however I have a few needs to get this today to get prepared for next week. Is there anyway I can do this?

    Link to my blog

  • Depending upon your exact needs, you could try the Express Edition, available as a free download.

    or download a trial copy at:

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • I also need it.

    The link on this page:

    takes you here:

    Yet the files for both 64 and 32 bit won't download. The iso files get to 4kb then stop.

    I aren't sure how Microsoft continues to drop the ball on licensing their product outside the US for developers and appears to ALWAYS put up corrupt files for download. Their quality control for their websites are shocking.

  • Not related to SQL Server but related to Microsofts awesome site, try downloading their Malicious software removal tool and you will get to here:

    Completely awesome. The most important details are blanked out with a great big grey box.

    Just like I said, Microsofts website quality control is lacking, most likely non-existent. I have had probably 10-15 problems with their website in the past 2 or 3 weeks trying to get information, most of it is either bugs caused by bad website management or bugs from uploading bad file versions to their website. And you have to wonder why they have gone from a world leading company to one that everyone is tending to s$it on!

  • If you have access to MSDN you can download an ISO of the DVD.

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