Need to get DB status on a Server

  • Hi,

    I'l like to get the DBs status on a Server. Means, I need to know what are the DBs are being used, what are not being & if any are in use, I need to know when it was used last time and how frequently it’s been used in the past several month.

  • Sounds like you need to build a custom monitoring solution to fit your needs on that, as that information isn't readily available in SQL.

    You could check sys.dm_db_index_usage_stats and that will tell you what indexes have been used in user operations. Convert the database_id into the DB Name, and get the max datetime from a seek scan lookup update field.

    The only caveat to that is that DMV is cleared upon each SQL server restart so you cannot trust it completly to be a true representation of activity

  • Thank you for the reply...

    I already got the info. through 'dm_db_index_usage_stats' & it displayed only Last_Read & Last_Write dates of all the DBs. But we can't get the exact details with only these two statistics. I am working on this, if you've any other alternative which atleast solve our prob. please suggest me...

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