Need to return a SELECTed list from another table into one row of a SELECT statement

  • I have a need in a s/p to SELECT one concatenated name value that is a list of 2-4 persons' first and last names, separated by commas. I have to SELECT the list of those people's names from another table, something like this:

    SELECT [datavalue1], [datavalue2], (firstname1 + ' ' + lastname1 + ', ' + firstname2 + ' ' + lastname2) AS MortgagorNames ...

    Currently I'm trying to write a function to return the name list that I could call from my s/p as in:

    "..., SELECT dbo.ufnMortgagorNames(LoanID) AS MortgagorNames, ..."

    It doesn't work--I get no errors or messages, but the function doesn't return any value.

    1. I may be spinning my wheels here. Is it even possible to write a function that contains a CURSOR? I haven't found anything in BOL that definitively says yes or no.

    2. I know this solution is ugly as sin, but can't think of a more elegant way to do this. Any other ideas out there?

    Thanks in advance,


    "No pressure, no diamonds." - Thomas Carlyle

  • there's a neat trick using FOR XML you can use to concatinate rows into a delimited list.

    is this what you are looking for?



    FROM sys.tables t

    JOIN (


    Columns = STUFF((SELECT ',' + name

    FROM sys.columns sc

    WHERE sc.object_id = s.object_id

    FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'')

    FROM sys.columns s

    ) sq ON t.object_id = sq.object_id


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  • Lowell is spot on the with the FOR XML way.

    I think your original "no value" is possibly because you are concatenating strings and not accounting for NULL. In other words you are adding several varchar values together and if ANY of them are NULL the entire result is NULL.

    select 'asdf' + NULL


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  • Sean, you're right, I was pulling in some NULLs and thereby smashing the result.

    Lowell, I'm still deconstructing your example--it's over my head at this point. But I'll get it.

    Thanks for the help, guys.


    "No pressure, no diamonds." - Thomas Carlyle

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