Need to save report parameters

  • Hi,

    I am working on some SSRS reports and what I want to achieve is to do some kind of personalization in reports. User wants his reports parameter selection should be remembered. For eg. right now I have selected all parameters with default or NULL values... now if I am manager of particular department then I should see my departments report only. For that for the first time I will select my department and somehow next time onwards it should remember my choices..

    Currently I am displaying these reports on share point site using report viewer.

    Is it possible to achieve this in any way?? Anybody has any thought on this?


  • This is kind of a sideways answer to your problem. What if you give them all a link that will run their report with the parameters they want. Basically all you have to do is copy the URL after the report is run with the desired parameters, then run the report from the URL or bookmark (which contains the parameters) and they will get their customized report.

  • Thanks Daniel.!

    But the situation is I am displaying these reports in sharepoint site where report parameters are not passed with URL but passed internally. If I use bookmark on sharepoint site, it will just lead to report with default parameters and wont have selected parameters..


  • I do not believe this can be achieved with SSRS natively. We have the same scenario at my day job. We have employees mapped to roles and employees mapped to an organization/department. Based on the combination of those two things, we filter the parameter values in the stored procedures that the parameters are hooked to. The user sees the right parameter values but nothing can be selected by default (because we can only pick one default for everyone when what we need is a different default for each user, or at least each combination of role and department, which is a lot in my case).

    You mentioned the need to "remember" their selection but you offer the example of someone being in a department and seeing only their department's data. I think there are a couple more subtle questions that would need to be answered before you could start on a design to achieve this.

    Is there any data that maps the users to these departments you mentioned?

    Do you want their parameter selection "remembered" across different reports or only within the same report?

    For your scenario, I think you'd have to get your hands pretty dirty with SharePoint development to achieve it. For my scenario, I can go with a custom ASP.NET Report Manager in place of the OOTB Report Manager. If you can answer those two questions above, I might have some high level suggestions with regard to SharePoint Development to achieve the desired effect...

  • Thanks tnk!

    I really appreciate your help on this and would be glad if you can provide idea even at high level to achieve this. I am not a sharepoint developer but I will have to go with getting hands dirty with some sharepoint stuff.. :Whistling:

    To answer your question -

    1. I do have data to map that maps the user with departments and their roles..

    2. I want to select their report parameter selection to be remembered across all the reports but not all reports have same parameters, some reports have some more or less parameters..


  • It occurs to me that if you can make the report name and the user ID hidden parameters you may be able to do what you want. What you would have to do is to have an insert/update or merge section at the beginning of the code for each report dataset that would save the report name, the user id and all the parameters to a database table. Every time they run the report it would initially save the used parameters as well as the User ID and report name. You could also call that data back from the database to fill in the parameters for your report. I am fairly certain this is possible although I have not personally done this.

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