network pc info

  • hi

    is it possible to get information about pc's, servers etc on my network i.e. hardware, software, computer name etc.


  • spin (12/3/2011)


    is it possible to get information about pc's, servers etc on my network i.e. hardware, software, computer name etc.


    Yes, if there exists a user with sufficient technical know-how and access rights.

    But why are you posting this question in a SQL Server forum?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Phil Parkin (12/3/2011)

    spin (12/3/2011)


    is it possible to get information about pc's, servers etc on my network i.e. hardware, software, computer name etc.


    Yes, if there exists a user with sufficient technical know-how and access rights.

    But why are you posting this question in a SQL Server forum?

    because i read somewhere it was possible to do it from sql

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