New question re log shipping

  • Greetings,

    I am using log shipping to create a standby database. Our primary was taken out of service and I used db_change_secondary to promote the secondary to the primary using the following syntax...

    USE master


    EXEC msdb.dbo.change_secondary_role

    @db_name = 'dbname',

    @final_state = 1,

    @access_level = 1,

    @stopat = null

    That all worked fine, I don't want the old primary to be the secondary until we put it back in service and I expected this would also have the new primary not attempt to start up log shipping. However now I see that the new primary is apparently shipping logs to itself, that is based on looking at the log shipping monitor. I am unable to remove the maintenance plan because it includes log shipping which I must first stop. When I bring up the maintenance plan and click on the log shipping tab a dialogue box is displayed indicating that the server must be registered and when I attempt to register the server it tells me a server with this name already exists.

    I am not sure I explained this clearly but at this point I am completely at a loss as to how to proceed. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.


  • The easiest way is to stop the log shipping for now.

    To perform a log shipping role change, probably you should start with transfering logins (if it is necessary), kick off the current primary server by using sp_change_primary_role, then promote the secondary server (sp_change_second_role).


  • to change any configuration with the log shipping all the servers installed in the processes must be registered. thats why u get the error saying that the server must be registered. u can register all the servers in a single EM and the modify the log shipping properties.

    If u want to stop log shipping temporarily then disable all the log shipping jobs that should do for u

    Sugeshkumar Rajendran
    SQL Server MVP

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