Not receiving daily newsletter

  • Since Monday I haven't received the daily newsletter, however I am definitely subscribed according to my profile.

    {Image would go here but you can't paste images, so it's not}.

    Anyone else not receiving theirs or is it just me?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • I've been getting mine through all of the changes.

    I got Monday's twice - you can have the extra one if you want 🙂


  • Sue_H wrote:

    I've been getting mine through all of the changes. I got Monday's twice - you can have the extra one if you want 🙂 Sue

    Thanks Sue, but that's the only one I have received. If you have spares of the others that would be nice. 😉


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Nope,  thought it was a glitch so waiting for a resolution? I do get a pop-up which says subscribe to the following options or some such thing but I think no I am already subscribed! Do we need to re-register?


  • Thom - your email server bounced the email a few times. I've unbounced it so it will retry next time.

    @happygeek We're getting happy noises back from your server - it says that it has received all of the newsletters this week - can you check that they're not being filtered/sent to spam?

  • Thanks Dave. I can't see I've received today's again. I am getting the subscription emails though; so would seem old they are bouncing

    If you can, can you share the bounce reason? I'll see if the network team have any ideas (perhaps the mail server or something is blocking it).




    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • It's showing as delivered today - can you double check it's not hit spam/clutter etc.? If no luck there I'll dig deeper.

  • Dave Convery wrote:

    It's showing as delivered today - can you double check it's not hit spam/clutter etc.? If no luck there I'll dig deeper.

    Dropped an email to our network team, looks like the newsletter was being blocked by our mail middleware (Mimecast). Odd as the notifications are getting through. He's added the site domain as a known "safe sender" and pushed today's through and I've received.


    Thanks Dave. You can lock this up if you need.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thanks for the note. Bug closed.

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