New Server what spec

  • i have been given the task of building a server to run a 40gb 15 million record database on.

    the problem i have is that i have never dealt with databases with more that a few hundred thousand records on.

    that database will almost completley be used for counting the number of records and exporting the records out. i do not beleive there will be any updates except for once a month that will be in batches.

    i need to try to get the counts down to no more than about 10 seconds per count

    what i am trying to find out is what kind of hardware am i going to need to start off with to help me get to this aim.

    i have been told that i should be looking at at least a quad processor system and 12gb or ram and at least 4 HD in RAID5

    i thought this sounded like overkill. but i need some help.


  • I'm not prettending I can answer that question, but here's a few question you could ask yourself :

    Are you gonna have very complex/ io intensice queries?

    How many users or more importantly how many queries/hour will you get?

    Is it possible to create reporting table to export the calculated data to (since no change is ever made to the data except at the end of the month where it could be recalculated)?

    Althaugh I've never worked with cubes and therefore know very little about their advantages.. have you considered this option?

  • thankyou for your reply, unfortunatly i have very little experience of sql server and have been dropped in the deep end.

    i do not know what a lot of your suggestions acutally mean.

    I can tell you that there will probably be no mmore than 10 users.

    and probably no more than 60 an hour.

  • How long does it take to run the queries on you current server (even if it's only test or dev.)..

    cause unless you have a single table with 40gig of data that needs to be scanned on each query you definitly don't need a 4 way pc. Fast hds is always a good idea, lots of ram can never hurt but again 12 gig seems like a little overkill.

    This is even more true if you expect no more than 1 query/minute which is a ridiculus amount compared to my prod server which handles 1000's / hour and it's a single 3ghz proc with 1 gig of ram. The db is however much much smaller (500 mb), but the code is very poorly written and there's a lot of work that could be avoided on the server/network.

  • i currently do not have the data to test.

    it is part of a business deal where we will be taking this data as part of a contrat. so i do not have much to work with.

    i do know that there are around 40 seperate tables.

    if i was to add 3 HD on raid5 or 6HD on raid 5 would this have a significant impact on my count speeds

  • I'll let the real experts answer that one. I was just bouncing ideas so you could start to see the big picture. If the system is well normalized and greatly indexed, a high end server definitly will be overkill... assuming your guess of 1 query/minute is accurate. But that's only my opinion since it depends on the complexity of the queries and how much data has to be manipulated.

  • Thanks very much Remi, it does help to bounce ideas

  • I just installed two new servers that handle mulptile database that are accessed by different front ends.  Here are the specs:

    HP Proliant DL380G3 Dual Xeon 3.06 GHz<O> 3GB RAM PC2100 2-72GB Drives (Mirrored) partitions = (O/S Windows 2000) C:\12GB (BMG_Applications) E:\10GB<O> 3-146GB Drives (Raid 5) partitions = (DATABASE SQL 2000 SP3) F:\40GB (DATABASE BACKUPS) G:\40GB<O> Network – redundant 1GB<O> </O></O></O></O>

    <O><O><O><O>I will also be installing an array that can handle nearly 1.5 TB.  This will host legact data.</O></O></O></O>




  • thanks for your comments, 2 questions, that i hope you can help me with


    1)  i have been offered a server for around £3000+vat for a quad 2.0 xeon with 8 gig ram, 2x 36gb 15000rpm and 3x73gb 15000rpm and a raid controller

    is that a good price? and is that better than the same spec but dual processors that are 3.4ghz for £4500+vat

    what is best on performance also

    they are both dell


    the second question was just out of curiosity.  i hear people talk about legacy alot but i do not know what it is???





  • "legacy" refers to old computer systems, usually big, honking mainframes, and the data that is still stored on them

  • See if these will help

    And as RAID 5 has been mentioned above, this is definitely interesting:

    I would also surf the sites of those hardware vendors. Usually you can find there case studies, that can be useful.

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • I may not have used the term 'honking'.  But, yes legacy data is a generic term for information that has been accumulated in a system that is beign replaced or is no longer in service.

    As for price, that I leave to the server admin.  perk for working in a large IT group!


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