New user requires assistance !!

  • Hi everyone, just  joined the board.

    I have installed MS SQL Server 2000 (Standard Ed) on my WinXP PC. We also have this installed on a dedicated server. What I am trying to do now is connect to that server using the software but keep getting errors. I have a nasty feeling that this 'Standard Edition' will only work on the machine it is installed on and will not connect to a SQL Server on the network. I'm a little confused because a few years back at another Co I remember using SQL Server 2000 to get access to the dedicated serve and I can also see the dedicated servers name in the console root window on the right frame of Enterprise manager. The error message i'm getting is

    " A connection could not be established at ServerName

    Reason: Sql server does not exist or access denied.

    ConnectionOpen (Connect())

    Please verify sql server is running and check your registration properties. "

    The SQL sever is running on the dedicated server.

    Can someone please verify is Standard edition is only for use on one machione, I thought thast was the personnal edition (Which has come as a seperate CD in this package)

    Thanks in advance,


  • Standard edition should work over the net, I would check network protocal settings

  • Excellent, thanks Mike, thats put my mind at ease !! I'l ljust have to check to see whats wrong with the SQL server.

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