Newbie question for small query

  • Mayank Khatri (4/27/2009)

    Run Below:

    SELECT, SUM(s.cost) AS Software, SUM(cast(isnull(m.cost,0)as int)) AS Material,

    SUM(t.cost) AS Travel, SUM(h.cost) AS Hardware

    FROM THardware AS h

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TProject AS p ON h.idProject = p.idProyect

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TSoftware AS s ON p.idProyect = s.idSoftware

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TTravel AS t ON p.idProyect = t.idProject

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TMaterial AS m ON m.idProject = p.idProyect


    I clean up the database and insert this values :

    Insert into TProject values ('test',1000,'2008')

    Insert into TSoftware values(1,'april',2000,'test','MS')

    Insert into THardware values (1,'april',10000,'test','test')

    Insert into TMaterial values (1,'april',2000,'test')

    Insert into TSoftware values(1,'april',100000,'test','MS')

    Insert into TTravel values (1,'April',1000,'test', 'test')

    Then I used the query in the quote above and again I recevied wrong results! 🙁

    This are the correct results:

    test 102000.00 2000.00 1000.00 10000.00

    This are the wrong results that the query is showing:

    test 102000.00 4000 2000.00 20000.00

  • moramoga (4/27/2009)

    Mayank Khatri (4/27/2009)

    Run Below:

    SELECT, SUM(s.cost) AS Software, SUM(cast(isnull(m.cost,0)as int)) AS Material,

    SUM(t.cost) AS Travel, SUM(h.cost) AS Hardware

    FROM THardware AS h

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TProject AS p ON h.idProject = p.idProyect

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TSoftware AS s ON p.idProyect = s.idSoftware

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TTravel AS t ON p.idProyect = t.idProject

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TMaterial AS m ON m.idProject = p.idProyect


    I clean up the database and insert this values :

    Insert into TProject values ('test',1000,'2008')

    Insert into TSoftware values(1,'april',2000,'test','MS')

    Insert into THardware values (1,'april',10000,'test','test')

    Insert into TMaterial values (1,'april',2000,'test')

    Insert into TSoftware values(1,'april',100000,'test','MS')

    Insert into TTravel values (1,'April',1000,'test', 'test')

    Then I used the query in the quote above and again I recevied wrong results! 🙁

    This are the correct results:

    test 102000.00 2000.00 1000.00 10000.00

    This are the wrong results that the query is showing:

    test 102000.00 4000 2000.00 20000.00

    I have used the same query and I am getting results as follows:

    test 2000.00 2000 1000.00 10000.00

    Please note the query which I have modifies has a different join condition in TSoftware s.

    I have there s.idSoftware.

  • HI!,

    SELECT, SUM(s.cost) AS Software, SUM(cast(isnull(m.cost,0)as int)) AS Material,

    SUM(t.cost) AS Travel, SUM(h.cost) AS Hardware

    FROM THardware AS h

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TProject AS p ON h.idProject = p.idProyect

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TSoftware AS s ON p.idProyect = s.idSoftware

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TTravel AS t ON p.idProyect = t.idProject

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TMaterial AS m ON m.idProject = p.idProyect


    If I run the query exactly how you post it above, my Software column is always Null even if I have cost assigned to it. The other results are okay. But if I change the join from p.idProyect = s.idSoftware to p.idProyect = s.idProject all the results are wrong again 🙁

  • SELECT p.Name, sCost, mCost, hCost, tCost

    FROM TProject p

    OUTER APPLY (SELECT SUM(Cost) as sCost,idProject FROM TSoftware WHERE idProject = p.idProyect GROUP BY idProject) s

    OUTER APPLY (SELECT SUM(Cost) as mCost,idProject FROM TMaterial WHERE idProject = p.idProyect GROUP BY idProject) m

    OUTER APPLY (SELECT SUM(Cost) as hCost,idProject FROM THardware WHERE idProject = p.idProyect GROUP BY idProject) h

    OUTER APPLY (SELECT SUM(Cost) as tCost,idProject FROM TTravel WHERE idProject = p.idProyect GROUP BY idProject) t

    This will work... do you know why? if not I'll try and explain

    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • HI! It is finally working! I didnt know that it will be so complicated, when I thought of it I remeber thinking what a piece of cake lol...thanks everyone for helping!!

  • if it's null it's because there are no costs for that column.

    You could use isnull around the cost values to so Zero or add a where clause to exlude rows that don't have values

    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • Yes sorry, my bad! I already edited my last post:-D. Thanks a lot for the help!

  • Christopher Stobbs (4/28/2009)

    SELECT p.Name, sCost, mCost, hCost, tCost

    FROM TProject p

    OUTER APPLY (SELECT SUM(Cost) as sCost,idProject FROM TSoftware WHERE idProject = p.idProyect GROUP BY idProject) s

    OUTER APPLY (SELECT SUM(Cost) as mCost,idProject FROM TMaterial WHERE idProject = p.idProyect GROUP BY idProject) m

    OUTER APPLY (SELECT SUM(Cost) as hCost,idProject FROM THardware WHERE idProject = p.idProyect GROUP BY idProject) h

    OUTER APPLY (SELECT SUM(Cost) as tCost,idProject FROM TTravel WHERE idProject = p.idProyect GROUP BY idProject) t

    This will work... do you know why? if not I'll try and explain


    Can you explain why this work?

  • Hi Again,

    Sorry I have been on holiday for the last 2 weeks 🙂

    Do you still an explanation?



    Try to learn something about everything and everything about something. - Thomas Henry Huxley

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  • if the Hardware ,software,material table is directly used then it will take duplicate records for aggregate. for eg : for prj id 1 software has 3 records; hardware has only 1 record. then output of the first query (remove aggregate and group by ) would look like this.

    prj S H

    1 1000 1000

    1 2000 1000

    1 3000 1000

    and on group by PrjId it will sum up this data giving wrong total

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