Next test

  • What would you like to see the next test on?

    Brian Knight

  • Hi Brian,

    I would prefer questions covering different topics rather than questions on one specific topic. Just like the first test. Maybe some SQL Syntax?



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Hi Folks,

    I prefer the single (main) topic tests. I am using them for review and having a test like this that deals with a single topic at a time and how that aspect of Sql Server interacts with all of the other parts is a big help.

    Richard L. Dawson

    Database Admin/Developer

    ICQ# 867490

    Richard L. Dawson
    Microsoft Sql Server DBA/Data Architect

    I can like a person. People are arrogant, ignorant, idiotic, irritating and mostly just plain annoying.

  • On one main subject is good. That way you know whats your level in that area.


  • Make the next test on Advanced SQL Server topics, such as replication, linked servers, etc.

    These tests are very helpful in gaining insights to lesser paid attention topics.

  • Analysis Services


  • Tuning,Replication,Clustering

  • I'd vote for SQL Syntax along with the effects of different types of joins on the query outcome.

    Many people get tripped up on mal-formed joins and where clauses. Very subtle differences in T-SQL can yield very different results.

    Adam Goss


    Adam Goss

  • Query Tuning. I'd like to see questions relating the the Execution Plan!

    Clive Strong

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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