No Bosses

  • "we are driven by autonomy, mastery, and purpose. I see structures that free people up while requiring responsibility".

    Sounds like a good way for the country to live.


  • The problem with "many hats" is that you become a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none. There are too many areas in today's IT world for anybody to cover in any depth without specializing.

  • Viv Fletcher (1/14/2014)

    The problem with "many hats" is that you become a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none. There are too many areas in today's IT world for anybody to cover in any depth without specializing.

    That's not necessarily true. People still specialize in certain areas, but have good general knowledge in many areas. The depth of your knowledge across the spectrum isn't a line or curve, it's a jagged edge. You may know some things very well and very little about others. The "jack of all trades" has an average depth that is sufficient for many things, but still could be an expert in a few areas.

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