No snapshot wanted, just transactions

  • I have a situation where I would like to use transaction replication to start capturing all the new records in a table (there are no updates or deletes in this table) ........  But I don't want any of the records before today, so I don't need a snapshot, just an empty table.  Can I start replication without a snapshot ??

  • Yes it can be done. But be shure you don't have upadtes or deletes from old records, because replication will fail.


    When you subscribe to the publisher you can choose that you already have the data and that there is no need to syncronize. Or if using stored procedures in the sp_addsubscription sp, choose 'none' in the @sync_type parameter.


  • Just as a FYI, you can also adjust schema generation, and data in generating the publication as well. This will save you time and resources in generating the publication. After all, why generate the schema, and data files if your not going to use them. The options are more complicated, but a chart of the values is available by looking at sp_addpublication.

    Also, another possibly helpful suggestion, if your not as familiar with doing it by stored procedure, is to set your replication up as you want it, using the wizards, then script your publication and subscriptions. This will show you the usage and syntax of the proc based creation. Couple times of doing this, and you'll never go back to the wizards again......

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