• Not that I'm promoting or denigrating porn, but apparently ICANN will not discuss the creation of the .xxx domain. However, since they've changed their minds quite a few times on this, who knows what will really happen.

    Without getting into the morals of the situation, I'm in favor of the domain for quite a few reasons. The 3 biggest ones are my kids. Being able to segregate out and easily block a whole domain would do wonders for the protection of underage kids. And if every country agreed to tough laws to back it up, then people who were of age and wanted to get porn could and those that did not want it in their house/company/whatever, could more easily block it.

    Honestly I'm just not sure why such a domain wouldn't be just created. How much discussion really needs to occur to create it and let it fill up. Is there a downside?

    Even if porn were still allowed in the .com and other domains, does it really hurt to have a separate domain available? C'mon ICANN, Move a teenie, weenie, itsy bitsy, polka dot closer to Internet speed.

    Steve Jones

  • IMO, .xxx should have been implemented before considering any other top level domain.It would keep that material in one place, and be easily controllable for parents or entire nations.

    The only possible resolution is for ICANN to be dissolved and control relinquished to the United Nations immediately. Should the Internet remain under US control, every person on this planet will be subject to a unique, misguided view that does not represent any majority.

    Nor should any company illegally monopolize control of root domains; Verisign (a US company) should be subject to normal competition within our global economy.

    And I am not the only one fed up with the way the US administration is operating, even the country itself is waking up and smelling the coffee.

  • As I understand from the american culture NO ONE likes to have porn sites avaliable for kids, although it's an intellectual offense to control the content by goverments but it's essential to have parents control over there kids, so I'm with the opinion that said XXX domains should be dedicated to porn sites as meta data won't work any more even my young brother (13 years) knows how 2 manipulate porn search although I've tried to block common things, so such an organization should provide both content and naming auditting.



    Hold on hold on soldier
    When you add it all up
    The tears and marrowbone
    There's an ounce of gold
    And an ounce of pride in each ledger
    And the Germans killed the Jews
    And the Jews killed the Arabs
    And Arabs killed the hostages
    And that is the news
    And is it any wonder
    That the monkey's confused

  • Rani.

    That's a good point, although router limits are easier to implement on an entire domain, especially for ISPs that can offer that filtering.

    There still would need to be auditing, but if you could report .com violations to ICANN, sites could be policed much quicker and shut down at the root servers. Still doesn't help ISPs, but I'm more worried about my 10 year old stumbling than my 16 year old knowing how to search for it.

  • So what, exactly goes into this porn domain? Is it only explicit, 'hard core' stuff than anyone would consider porn? That would leave many unsatisfied (hell if this country can suffer a collective heart attack over a fleeting glimpse of Janet Jackson's nipple); or would it force photographers, artists and any who work with any nude or sensual themes to be ghettoized with the porn? What about art museums, photography exhibitions? No matter where you place it there will be many unhappy people.

    What about cross cultures? A nipple can get g rating in many places, but SI's swimsuit issue is forbidden in others. Whose rules apply? The strictest? The loosest?

    There are filter programs to handle the current situation. There are parents to oversee children's activities to handle the current situation. Tossing this off on some profoundly unworkable legal structure will be useless to everyone.



    -- FORTRAN manual for Xerox Computers --

  • How do you legislate and enforce it?

    If I was a provider of porn, would I bother to use a domain that I know is going to limit my exposure ?

    Would my advertisers expect me to use such a domain?

    Who is going to force me to use a .xxx domain? As someone else mentioned, where is the line between pornography and art? Which set of worldwide values do you use to determine that standard?

    Can't see the usefulness of this myself.



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    All beer is good, some beers are just better than others

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