non-yielding resource monitor

  • After installing SQL Server 2005 sp2 and security update to version 9.00.3077 we are seeing messages like these:

    Resource Monitor (0x7fc) Worker 0x0358C0E8 appears to be non-yielding on Node 0. Memory freed: 46840 KB. Approx CPU Used: kernel 109 ms, user 140 ms, Interval: 65000.

    Resource Monitor (0x7fc) Worker 0x0358C0E8 appears to be non-yielding on Node 0. Memory freed: 32560 KB. Approx CPU Used: kernel 109 ms, user 46 ms, Interval: 60002.

    I only see articles addressing this error for a 64bit server. We are 32bit. Windows 2003 standard ed, R2.

    Should we grant lock pages in memory, hard code min/max memory settings, install a later SQL Server 2005 update?

    We greatly appreciate any help on the best way to solve this. Thanks very much.

  • same here, same config - Win2K3 R2, SQL Server 2005 Standard 32 bit

    the version of SQL we are running is different: 9.00.4035

    3,75 GB of memory on a box.

    show those two messages in the log:

    Date 2/25/2010 7:35:54 AM

    Log SQL Server (Archive #1 - 2/25/2010 7:36:00 AM)

    Source Server


    Resource Monitor (0x7ac) Worker 0x04E8E0E8 appears to be non-yielding on Node 0. Memory freed: 0 KB. Approx CPU Used: kernel 62 ms, user 140 ms, Interval: 78647157.

    followed by :

    Date 2/25/2010 7:36:01 AM

    Log SQL Server (Archive #1 - 2/25/2010 7:36:00 AM)

    Source spid64


    Timeout occurred while waiting for latch: class 'SECURITY_OBJPERM_CACHE', id 04F1E174, type 2, Task 0x00B84898 : 0, waittime 3600, flags 0x1a, owning task 0x0084A7A8. Continuing to wait.

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