Not a Trusted Connection :(

  • Just for grins - what happens when you DO set up an odbc DSN to the server using those settings?

    Through the control panel, admin tasks, ODBC data sources? does the test complete or not?

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • If you get a "Login failed for user 'ead'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection." error whle trying to login in with a standard SQL login, than the server is not set to mixed mode (SQL Server and Windows). Also, if this was done recently, the server must be restarted for this to take affect. Can you check once more? Just to be clear, I mean do the following: Start Enterprise Mananger. Expand the list of registered servers. Right click on the server you are trying to connect to and select Properties from the popup menu. Next, click the Security tab. Make sure that under Authentication: that the SQL Server and Windows radio button is selected. If it is already selected, I would restart SQL Server just to make sure the setting is active. Try to connect again as you originally did.

  • When things get to this point I believe it must be a very simple thing that I'm not seeing.

    - I restarted de SQL Server again

    - Yes, I can connect using QA

    - Yes, OBDC connection test run successfully

    I'm posting some pictures



    ODBC panel

    (it's in portuguese, but is says connection was successul)


    asp CODE

    set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

    ' "ead" ' using ODBC "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=;Initial Catalog=ead;User Id=ead;Password=webead;"

    set conn = nothing

  • I'm sure you did, but just in case : Did you delete all the cookies, local files from IE?

  • Log on to the server using the credentials of the IIS service account and try that again. That's one of the big differences here between you running it, and IIS running it. If this is an IIS 6 box (a.k.a a server and not a workstation) - you might need to use the creds of the IIS AppPool service account.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • one question, whats the default database for your user?Is it the same database you are trying to connect from your App?

  • Hi!

    How do I log to the server using IIS service credentials?

    Yes the database I'm trying to connect is the default for that user

  • If you're looking at this on a Win2k3 server runnin gIIS in work-isolation mode - then you want to look within the Application pool definition to find the service account. From the support pages - this should help yuo find which one that is.

    To change the account under which an application pool runs using IIS Manager


    In IIS Manager, expand the local computer, expand Application Pools, right-click the application pool, and then click Properties.


    Click the Identity tab, and click either Predefined or Configurable. Predefined refers to standard service names, such as Network Service (the default), LocalSystem, or Local Service. Configurable refers to registered user names.

    • If you click Predefined, click a predefined account in the list box.

    • If you click Configurable, in the User name and Password boxes, type the user name and password of the account under which you want the worker process to operate. Then, add the account to the IIS_WPG group.

    If you're NOT running in worker isolation mode, or you're running on Win2K/XP, then the service account is the account starting the World Wide Web service.

    If that service account is Local Service, you will likely want to try Network Service, or Local System instead. Local service has almost no rights, and often enough loses too many privileges during IIS Lockdown Tool runs. Often enough you may find they no longer have access to certain parts of the registry which can sometimes cause that issue.

    You can just test that the service account permissions aren't causing the problem by TEMPORARILY setting the service account to something that is a local admin on the box. If the page runs fine then you do have a security/permissions issue, but DON'T keep that service account to be an admin on the box. That's a hacker's wet dream, and your nightmare. At that point - proceed directly to creating a service account for IIS/Asp.NET, like outlined here:

    Besides the local access - it would need just enough access to be able to "talk" to the SQL server, wherever it might be.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • In QA screenshot, you logged on using WIndows Authentication (WEB\fabian...). Were you able to log in using Uid=ead, Pwd=webead ?

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