Not able to sync my sql datbase using GPRS from a windows mobile

  • Dear All,

    I am not able to sync my sql datbase using GPRS from a windows mobile. Same is working with Wi-Fi.

    What could be the reason..? Pls help, it's urgent.

    Have installed the SQL Server Compact sync agent on a Web server that is exposed to the internet.

    Thanks in advance.

    Joy Smith.

  • Have you tried to hit the dll from internet explorer on the WM devices. You should try putting in the URL to the dll on your web server thu GPRS to insure that you can at least communicate to the dll.

  • Thanks for the response.

    Which dll you mean.? Can you please clarify.I am not clear.

    Thank you.

  • When you setup the data exchange, you ran a setup program on your webserver that created a dll that is for lack of a better word a “proxy” so the PDA talks to the proxy dll and then the proxy dll talks to the sql server. If you open internet explorer from the PDA, and type in the web address that the program is trying to access to preforem that data exchange, which should be this (depending on the version of SQL mobile) tyhe response from the dll should be “Microsoft SQL Server Compact Server Agent”. If you are not able to access the dll or don’t get the response then your issue is an internet problem with the GPRS and you need to contact your carrier.



  • Hi,

    Problem is not yet solved. But we came to know that the service provider (Vodafone) has to enable port 1433 at their end. Probably client will have to pay for the same it seems.

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