Not In v Not Equal

  • Comments posted here are about the content posted at

  • It would be interesting to see the query plans for the last two options and see how they compare. Logically we would expect the performance to be better on these but most of us struggle with the complexity of the code. I've seen it used a number of times and now use it regularly although it is a lot harder to work out what exactly is happening and I know it scares some newbies to death. Scared me half to death the first time I was it.

  • I actually saw a very similar result when updating a large number of rows in a table. I had an SSIS package which updated one or two columns of many rows in a table. It would take hours to use the SQL Command component (and run a stored procedure for each row). So instead I inserted the PK and values of the rows that needed to be change into a temporary table with the same columns and data types as the table that needed updating. After that I ran a stored procedure that was something like this


    UPDATE MyTable

    SET Col1 = ISNULL(MyTempTable.Col1, MyTable.Col2)


    MyTable INNER JOIN MyTempTable

    ON MyTable.PK = MyTempTable.PK


    (I know my code isn't right, but I think the principle is clear.)


    Doing this takes as little as 5 minutes, when previously I would have waited hours to do the updates one at a time.

    I appreciate that the overhead of SSIS's connections almost cetainly exaggreates the benefit, but the basic idea is the same. Using a join instead of looking up the individual rows.

  • SQL Server (like all DBMS) works best when dealing with sets rather than row by row operations.

    When you use the JOIN variations for this type of query, SQL Server can optimise and perform the operations effectiely in a single pass for the set rather than looking row by row.

    The query plans for the second 2 optiosn should show this.

  • [1] is not quite correct. We can say to server HOW TO DO - just define plan for query.

  • I run same test against 1,000,000 records and got following results:

    1 time

    NOT IN() : 390ms

    AND : 373ms

    OUTER JOIN: 1,876ms

    NOT EXISTS: 966ms

    10 times

    NOT IN() : 3,826ms

    AND : 3,826ms

    OUTER JOIN: 18,643ms

    NOT EXISTS: 9,593ms

    100 times

    NOT IN() : 38,203ms

    AND : 38,250ms

    OUTER JOIN: 184,656ms

    NOT EXISTS: 95,703ms

    I used SQL 2000 and table variable.

    It seems that the first 2 methods are the fastest.

    Is everyone using SQL 2K5?

    I will run the same test with actual table to see if there is any difference.

    K. Matsumura

  • I run the same test using actual table and got following results:

    1 time

    NOT IN() : 436ms

    AND : 390ms

    OUTER JOIN: 360ms

    NOT EXISTS: 343ms

    10 times

    NOT IN() : 3,936ms

    AND : 3,923ms

    OUTER JOIN: 3,936ms

    NOT EXISTS: 3,873ms

    100 times

    NOT IN() : 39,530ms

    AND : 39,360ms

    OUTER JOIN: 41,516ms

    NOT EXISTS: 42,076ms

    It still seems that the first 2 methods are the fastest.

    Do we have to think differently when using SQL 2000?

    Anyway, I think it is very interesting.

    K. Matsumura

  • Hi K. Matsumura

    Thanks for taking the time to play with the queries, that's the best way to know what will work best in your environment.

    These tests were conducted using SQL Server 2000 SP4.  I re-ran the tests this morning on a couple different servers to verify that the results are still similar to what they were when I wrote the article, and they are.  I also ran them on SQL Server 2005 SP2 with the same trend in query times.

    However, when I ran them on my workstation, today (I had only run them on servers before), the numbers worked out the way you have recorded: faster for the NOT IN() (10 seconds for 100 iterations) than for the NOT EXISTS (12.6 seconds).  Something to do with the newer hardware in the workstation, perhaps (single processor, dual-core workstation vs. dual processor, single-core, server)?


  • I think that execution time is only one piece of the puzzle. For my needs (back end to web server), if an SP executes in .1 seconds I'm typically in good shape, but if it has a few thousand reads that may not be acceptable. Given an acceptable query time, I would usually pick a strategy that uses the least disk and cpu resources.

  • I've not checked this on SQL Server 2005, but the NUMBER of terms in the NOT IN or the NUMBER of <> , in combination with the distribution statistics, makes a huge difference in Sybase, and I suspect it could in SQL 2005.

    Looking for "not in" is expensive; how expensive depends on how many you have.   On Sybase, if there were many different values and the distribution was pretty even, there was a point - about 4 or 5, I recall, where the plan changed from using index to table scan.   It takes longer to optimize a bunch of NOTs, and at some point (to avoid letting the optimizer use more time than the search!) it bails out and says "if you have that many, a table scan is probably fastest anyway (and besides, if you wrote than many NOTs performance was probably a secondary question).

    In an app that built the statement on the fly from t to X number of items to be NOT IN, performance varied wildly depending on how many the user entered.  3 was fast.  15 was not.  (These were wide rows with 100s of millions of records).

    It was faster to break it into a single batch of smaller queries.  Instead of doing

    select foo from bar where x not in (1, 20, 43, 99, 110, 2000, 3201, 7098, 7099)


    it was faster to do

    select foo from bar where x < 100 and x not in (1, 20, 43, 99)

    select foo from bar where x >= 100 and x < 5000 and and x not in (110, 2000, 3201)

    select foo from bar where x >= 5000  and and x not in (7098, 7099)

    go (a single batch)

    Of course, this is the kind of silly performance hack that will bite your butt when you port it to a new RDB or a new version that better optimizes the original query.



    Roger L Reid

  • Hi Ken,

    Interesting analysis article. Nice work.



    Narasimhan Jayachandran

  • I ran some of the queries on SQL 2000 and SQL 2005 [on the servers]. I ran it for 50 times only.

    I got follow results:

    SQL 2000 SP3:

    time: 1

    NOT IN :1376 ms

    AND <> :1796 ms

    derived UNION table LEFT OUTER JOIN : 453 ms

    time: 50

    NOT IN :58110 ms

    AND <> :58800 ms

    derived UNION table LEFT OUTER JOIN : 43703 ms


    SQL 2005 SP1:

    time: 1

    NOT IN :1220 ms

    AND <> :1173 ms

    derived UNION table LEFT OUTER JOIN : 420 ms

    time: 50

    NOT IN :50236 ms

    AND <> :53313 ms

    derived UNION table LEFT OUTER JOIN : 21466 ms


    My experiment also shows that "derived UNION table LEFT OUTER JOIN" is better than 'NOT IN" or "AND <>".....



  • Guys,

    By replacing the union query with a temporary table you can get a further performance enhancement, this implies that a Constant scan is slower than a Table scan.

    My results...

    Beginning test run...1 NOT IN

    Elapsed Time: 121543 ms

    Beginning test run...2 <>

    Elapsed Time: 132310 ms

    Beginning test run...3 LEFT OUTER JOIN

    Elapsed Time: 105760 ms

    Beginning test run...4 NOT EXISTS (UNION)

    Elapsed Time: 96250 ms

    Beginning test run...5 NOT EXISTS (temp table)

    Elapsed Time: 66633 ms




  • All interesting stuff, but difficult to really tell due to hardware differences.  e.g. anyone who has a temp table setup (i.e. maybe on a many spindle RAID 0 or even RAMDISK) compared to their permanent tables (maybe on RAID5) would see performance differences purely based on IO rather than the T-SQL differences.

  • On a different note about Left Join(Not related to the tests here), I have noticed that a Left Join with a not null filter in the Where statement outperforms an Inner Join. Does anyone have had same findings?

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