Not with delete Statement help

  • Hello There Good Morning,


    Have a quick question, with delete statement right now I have the below statement. so i am trying to delete the other records that means not matching below criteria can i use NOT ?

    Delete from Patient

    WHERE (isnull(billamount,0)+isnull(discamount,0)<100



    domesticpatient = 'Y'


    invalidaddress = 'Y'


    invalid SSN = 'Y'


    invalidpersonname = 'Y'


    And servicetype = 'OP'


    Thank you

  • Just to clarify,


    in other words let say for example, we have this statement DELETE from Students where CalssName = 'Algebra'

    would like to remove all other than algebra so inthis case we can change it to

    DELETE from Students where CalssName <> 'Algebra'

    but in the above example (first post) we have multiple conditions with OR clause so checking to see if i can use NOT () for whole where clause ? or not exists can you please provide some example if it is with not exists


    Thank you


  • Yes, you should be able to apply NOT to the conditions to get the opposite of the current conditions.


    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Hello SCott so you mean the below bold one additon?

    Delete from Patient






    domesticpatient = 'Y'


    invalidaddress = 'Y'


    invalid SSN = 'Y'


    invalidpersonname = 'Y'


    And servicetype = 'OP'



    Thank you


  • Yep, exactly.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Alternatively, you can do the logic arithmetic yourself.  Change the AND's to OR's, equals to not equals, etc.  But that can be tricky, and oftentimes leads to code that is hard for humans to understand.

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