Notification on update

  • Could someone point me to tutorial (or outline the steps for me) on how to do the following:

    • I have an insert record form (aspx C#) based on sql server 2000 table
    • On insert of a new record, I want to trigger a notification to certain people that a new record has been added.


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  • Hi James

    i think u can send notification like following

    create table t1 (sno int )


    create trigger trgt1 on t1 for insert


    exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'net send tahir helllooooo'


    insert into t1 values (2)



    Kindest Regards,


  • James

    What kind of notification you want to send ? email or net send. As Tahir mention you can write trigger to do the job. Remember trigger comes with an overhead so make sure the table is not inserted very often. If you need to send the information about hte newly added row. Check the virtual table (inserted) IN THE TRIGGER

    Kindest Regards,

    Amit Lohia

  • Hi Amit,

    Given the following details could you please quickly put together a trigger to send the last added name. I plan to use xp_sendmail but still trying to configure the MAPI.

    UserID int 4

    UserName nvarcahar 50

    Password char 10

    EMailAddress nvarchar 50

    Table name = Users

    SQL Database = EUTSchedule

    Thanks in advance.






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