NTFS Rights For Reporting Services Virutal Directories

  • I am trying to set the Report Manager up so that users can log on without getting prompted for the user account be IE. I had tried adding the "Everyone" Group to the "ReportManager" folder and gaves proper rights within Reporting Services, but it keeps prompting for a password. If you hit ESC or enter a few times when prompted, it lets you in anyway. I don't understand why it would be doing that.

    Should I be adding the "Everyone" group to the "ReportManager" folder? If not, how can I get users to log in to run reports? The only reason I currently get in is because I am logging on as an Administrator. The local Administrator, ASP.NET Machine Account, and the SYSTEM account were the only accounts given to that folder to begin with. Who should have rights to that folder?

    I would think that a normal user should be able to log in without getting an IE prompt and be restricted by the permissions within RS.

    Any suggestions will be appreciated.

  • Check IIS and see if it allows anonymous access

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Just a guess.. but try removing the EVERYONE group and adding AUTHENTICATED USERS

    - Mark

  • I have found the answer. First off, I believe the Everyone group should be added to the ReportManager folder. That is how it is on a fresh install. So I did that. The problem then was IE was still prompting me for credentials, but hitting escape let me in. This really baffled me. So I did a network trace on the HTTP protocol from my machine to the server. This ended up showing me that I was getting an access denied when it was trying to download the WebUIValidation.js file from the D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\aspnet_client\system_web\1_1_4322 folder. Then I remembered when IIS and .NET were installed the Inetpub folder had been moved from c: to d:. That itself was not the problem. It was that the Everyone group no longer had writes to the folder and access was being denied. I added the Everyone group to the aspnet_client folder and things were working as expected.

    I know you could get by with less than the Everyone group on these folders, but that is what I was testing with. I can now go back and tune that down the the proper groups. Also, this was all using Windows integrated authentication.

    I just thought I would post the solution incase anyone else has any trouble.

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