• I am trying to return -1 if no records match but because of my calculation the rowcount is thrown off.


    @rowcount int

    Select sum(isnull(saleAmount, 0)) - sum(isnull(PaymentAmount, 0)) as balance

    From dbo.Transactions

    where UserID= @ClientID

    select @rowcount = @@rowcount

    if @rowcount >0

    return 0

    else return -1

    if no records match then it returns




    How do I do it so it will return -1 if no records match?

  • You are mixing two concepts:

    Balance is the recordset returned by your query. Return is an output parameter you need to decide if you want your results back as recordset or as a paramenter!


    * Noel

  • since we were talking about perspectives a few minutes about if you just check to see if a match exists...

    if exists(select * from dbo.Transactions where UserID= @ClientID)
          Select sum(isnull(saleAmount, 0)) - sum(isnull(PaymentAmount, 0)) as balance
          From dbo.Transactions
          where UserID= @ClientID

    ..then on the clientside you know there are no rows for that ID if you get no results back ?!?!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Ah ...  perspectives ...

    In that case let me write mine

     Select  @Balance  = sum(isnull(saleAmount, 0)) - sum(isnull(PaymentAmount, 0))  

      From dbo.Transactions     

      where UserID= @ClientID

    if @@rowcount > 0


        select @Balance as Balance

        return 0



        return -1 

    * Noel

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