Object Explorer...Green vs Grey icon next to server names.. Whats the diff???

  • Hi,

    I have just finished installing SQL Server 2005 on my workstation. I have local db named after my workstation name i.e xyz and then I connect to a server on network i.e. Everything is fine,except that local db is shown with green(play type in dvd remotes) icon and grey circle icon next to remote i.e network db server which happens to be SQL SERVER 2000.

    Is this MS way of saying/identifying LOCAL & REMOTE/NETWORK DATABASES???

    Please clarify.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Green with play = server is running

    Red with stop = server is not running

    Gray circle = unknown, being a remote server management studio hasn't tried to connect to it yet, thus doesn't know if it is running or not, I think this icon is supposed to be limited to the registered servers window.

    There seems to be a slight bug though where a connection is made without its green icon and only shows the empty gray circle. I normally see this when connect to a server that has a gray circle in the registered servers list, it then appears in the object explorer with a gray circle and all other connections after that will also have a gray circle, ah well.

    I don't think the managment studio has any way to tell between local/remote servers.

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