ODBCBCP driver version conflict

  • Hi All,

    While I am executing BCP command, I am getting following message in output file

    My BCP Command on my production server

    SET @MyCmd = 'bcp "exec [Test]..XMLCreation_New 58 " queryout "c:\test-files\xxxx-0-File 1.xml" -c -S xxx.xx.xxx.xxx -U sa -P xxxxx -o c:\test-files\InsertionLog.out'

    EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @MyCmd

    All file paths are physically available.

    If I open my InsertinLog.out, I got the following message "ODBCBCP\driver version conflict"

    The same if I run on my Testing server it is working fine.

    [Test]..XMLCreation_New is procedure, which is resulting XML formated out. Even it is wokring fine on my production server.

    May I know what might be cause of this error.

    Thanks & Regards,


  • Verify that you have the same versions of ODBC and BCP on both the test and prod server.

    On the failing server, also try to exec bcp -v to find out which bcp version is actually executing.

    (you may have several exe's on disk, and since the full path is missing, NT decides precedence on where to look first)


  • Hi kenneth,

    I tested versions of both test and production server, it is showing that "Version: 8.00.382". I do not know how do I test odbc versions.

    Is there any dependencies for this odbcbcp.dll?

    I didnot understand the last line "(you may have several exe's on disk, and since the full path is missing, NT decides precedence on where to look first)". Did you mean bcp.exe?

    Thanks for your cooperation.



  • Hi All,

    I am very thankful for your cooperation. Finally I found the problem. There windows update on my prodcution server, but not sql update. So, odbcbcp.dll and sqlsrv32.dll were not matching.

    Earlier my production server has MSSQL 2000 with service pack 3. Now I updated it to service pack 3a. Now my bcp is working fine without any version conflicts.

    One question, How do I know which version of odbcbcp.dll will work with sqlsrv32.dll and which pack it will be available. If any body have an idea about it please put it as document, it will be helpful to all.

    Once again thanks to all.


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