odd behavior - please help

  • hi...

    i have a stored proc that has a number of inserts and the first one is failing without error (@@error = 0) and the rest continue just fine.  if cut and paste this stored proc into query analyzer and set the one variable that gets passed to this procedure manually, all statements execute as expected.

    any ideas what could cause this type of behavior?



  • Nabeel would you please post your DDL for your tables and the code for the Sp. Thanks


  • hi mike,

    thanks for responding... i've tried swapping the first two INSERTS earlier, didn't help.  i just tried dropping the table and recreating it, that didn't help either.  i think there's something wrong with that particular INSERT but it's also not generating an error.  here's the latest DDL for the table and the sp code is below that. 

    thanks again...

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[users] (

     [custnmbr] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [username] [varchar] (25) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,

     [password] [char] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,

     [type] [smallint] NOT NULL ,

     [accountStatus] [smallint] NOT NULL ,

     [statusUpdated] [datetime] NOT NULL ,

     [lastLogon] [datetime] NOT NULL ,

     [parent] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [signupDate] [datetime] NOT NULL ,

     [nextBillDate] [datetime] NOT NULL ,

     [billingPlan] [smallint] NOT NULL ,

     [newPlan] [smallint] NOT NULL ,

     [billTo] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [lowBal] [decimal](10, 4) NOT NULL ,

     [ceiling] [decimal](10, 4) NOT NULL ,

     [balance] [decimal](10, 4) NOT NULL ,

     [autoRecharge] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,

     [callBackNumber] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,

     [timezone] [smallint] NOT NULL ,

     [quota] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [question] [smallint] NOT NULL ,

     [answer] [varchar] (256) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]



     CONSTRAINT [DF_users_accountStatus] DEFAULT (0) FOR [accountStatus],

     CONSTRAINT [DF_users_statusUpdated] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [statusUpdated],

     CONSTRAINT [DF_users_lastLogon] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [lastLogon],

     CONSTRAINT [DF_users_signupDate] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [signupDate],

     CONSTRAINT [DF_users_nextBillDate] DEFAULT (getdate()) FOR [nextBillDate],

     CONSTRAINT [DF_users_lowBal] DEFAULT (0) FOR [lowBal],

     CONSTRAINT [DF_users_ceiling] DEFAULT (50) FOR [ceiling],

     CONSTRAINT [DF_users_balance] DEFAULT (0) FOR [balance],

     CONSTRAINT [DF_users_autoRecharge] DEFAULT (1) FOR [autoRecharge],

     CONSTRAINT [DF_users_callBackNumber] DEFAULT ('') FOR [callBackNumber]

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.sp_createUser (@signupID int, @clientID int output)



    DECLARE @lowBal DECIMAL(10, 4)

    INSERT INTO usersID (generated) VALUES (GETDATE())

    SET @clientID = @@identity

    SELECT @lowBal = amount FROM unitValues u, plans p WHERE firstUnitValue = u.ID AND itemID = '4050-9910-0000' AND planID = (SELECT billingPlan FROM signupInfo WHERE [ID] = @signupID)

    INSERT INTO usersInfo -- (custnmbr, custname, custclas, cntcprsn, adrscode, address1, address2, address3, country, city, state, zip, phone1, phone2, phone3, fax, crcardid, crcrdnum, ccrdxpdt, send_email_statements)

     SELECT @clientID, custname, custclas, cntcprsn, '001', address1, address2, address3, country, city, state, zip, phone1, phone2, '', fax, '', '', getdate(), 1

     FROM signupInfo where [ID] = @signupID

    insert into cachelog (result) values ('past usersInfo') -- i was using this for debugging

    -- the one below is failing

    INSERT INTO users (custnmbr, username, password, type, parent, billTo, billingPlan, newPlan, lowBal, timezone, quota, question, answer)

     SELECT @clientID, username, [password], type, parentID, @clientID, billingPlan, billingPlan, @lowBal, timezone, 100, question, answer FROM signupInfo WHERE [ID] = @signupID

    insert into cachelog (result) values ('past users') -- i was using this for debugging

    UPDATE signupInfo SET custnmbr = @clientID WHERE [ID] = @signupID

    UPDATE cart SET clientID = @clientID WHERE clientID = @signupID

    INSERT INTO callwords.dbo.userPrefs (clientID) VALUES (@clientID)

    INSERT INTO usersCards (custnmbr, cardIndex, cardholder, ccType, ccNumber, ccExpMonth, ccExpYear)

     SELECT @clientID, '001', cardname, crcardid, crcrdnum, ccexpmonth, ccexpyear FROM signupInfo WHERE [ID] = @signupID

  • I would try changing the following if on SQL2000; not sure if it exists on SQL 7.0

    SET @clientID = @@identity


    SET @clientID = SCOPE_IDENTITY( )

    Tim S

  • I would add a line below

    SELECT @lowBal = amount FROM unitValues u, plans p WHERE firstUnitValue = u.ID AND itemID = '4050-9910-0000' AND planID = (SELECT billingPlan FROM signupInfo WHERE [ID] = @signupID)


    IF @lowBal IS NULL SET @lowBal = 0.0 -- Set to Valid Value

    Tim S

  • i actually did check @lowBal before and it is getting set correctly... if i copy/paste the entire procedure into query analyzer and set @signupID manually, it works just fine... for some reason that one statement does not insert any data, but the rest do.


  • Have you checked the value of @signupID to see what is being passed to the sp?


  • but all the other statements execute properly... the statement inserting into table 'usersInfo' is basically the same thing and that doesn't have any problem.


  • hardcoding the failing statement with valid values seems to make it work. so i'm going to try adjusting one value at a time to see which one causes it to fail...

    i should be able to take it from here... thanks.

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