• Hello all,

    I am using SQL Server 2000 and OPENXML to insert and update multiple tables in a database. The xml string is passed into a stored proc.

    Inserts are straightforward. Updates are more of a challenge. I won't know until runtime which of many optional elements will be present in the xml for record updates and I want to update only the data in these elements.

    Can anyone suggest a general approach for this?



  • Could you post an example? (DDL, sample data, expected results.)

    Anyway, unless you know the XML Schema in advance you're pretty much in a world of trouble. Then again, why wouldn't you know the schema in advance...?


    Matija Lah, SQL Server MVP

  • I do know the schema; the issue is that many of the elements are otional and if they are not supplied I don' want to overwrite the old value with null in an UPDATE. I ended up doing the following:

    UPDATE dbo.tblPax


    PaxPassportNumber = CASE WHEN shred.Number IS NULL THEN PaxPassportNumber ELSE shred.Number END,

    PaxPassportExpirationDate = CASE WHEN shred.ExpirationDate IS NULL THEN PaxPassportExpirationDate ELSE shred.ExpirationDate END,

    PaxPassportCountry = CASE WHEN shred.Country IS NULL THEN PaxPassportCountry ELSE shred.Country END


    OPENXML (@iTree, 'BatchObject/BatchObjectPackage/Application/Student/Passport',2)



    Number varchar(50),

    ExpirationDate datetime,

    Country varchar(2)

    ) shred


    PaxID = @PaxID

    I am checking for null, if null use the old value.

    Thanks for your reply!


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