One account for many databases?

  • Most of our databases are for OLTP and we assign a single login\user to access that database. The name of that user contains the name of the database. We are now exploring OLAP databases and need to run queries that span multiple databases. The queries would fail if we continued the OLTP practice of assigning each database a unique user name (because the query can only run under one security context.)

    We could just say "that all databases belonging to this line of business, and application, can be accessed using this single account". Hope no one every cracks that single accounts for they would then have access to all the databases in the LOB!

    How do you deal with this issue.



  • You can create a generic user and add that user into every database needed by OLAP system.


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  • Ummmm.... I haven't used them in SQL Server but wouldn't synonymns do the trick here?

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  • If you are looking at OLAP are we to assume SSAS or equivalent? Are you going to be building that directly from the operational systems?


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