One Query to Check All Registered Servers' Windows and SQL Logs?

  • I know I can right click a folder under registered servers and do a query. How do I query all of these servers in one breath for any warnings or errors?

  • ahthomas (2/8/2012)

    I know I can right click a folder under registered servers and do a query. How do I query all of these servers in one breath for any warnings or errors?

    What warnings or errors do you mean?

    Bru Medishetty

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  • Such as: SQL Server Agent > Error Logs > Current

    And the Windows NT logs that you can check off in the window that opens like Application, Security, etc etc.

  • Bump...

  • I personally loop through a list of linked servers and pick up the job and error logs. Collate them all and then attach to an email and send. Traditionally we have used SSIS to do this but Powershell would seem like a good candidate also.

    For examples of both techniques see Google.

  • There should be a way to just run a simple select statement on the folder with the registered servers.

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