One Red Paper Clip

  • So this is interesting. Trading stuff for other stuff and getting something you want, which may be more "valuable" than what you traded. But the other person may see it differently. They may want the "less valuable" item more than what they're giving up, so maybe it's "more valuable" to them?

    It's an interesting idea and I have to say the One Red Paper Clip trade has gotten to a year of rent in Phoenix. It sounds amazing and a couple of trades have gone wild, probably more for the wild factor than someone really needing the item. You can read about the trades and the stories on a few of the pages are funny.

    So in honor of this, I'll start a trade and see where things can go. My offer will start below and then each response needs to trade with the post or two above it. I guess the Aussies and New Zealanders get the advantage since they'll see this first, but let's see where it goes.

    What will you trade for an editorial?

    Your voice in the newsletter for one day. I reserve to right to censor things if it's offensive, crude, etc., but what would you give up for the chance to write an editorial that over 100,000 people will see?

    Remember, the first couple posts trade with me, everyone else trades with the last post they see at the time. For fun, but think about what you might trade. If this goes well, I might set it up for real and see what happens.

    Steve Jones

  • Well Steve - I'm going to beat the aussies and the kiwis (& my fellow-countrymen) on this one...I saw this on the news the other day and should've guessed it'd turn up here on SSC soon..

    I'd trade "in kind" any book from my Michael Crichton collection (not sure but think I have them all) - or you pick your favourite author from Amazon/wherever and I pick up the tab (upto $15/- + shipping)...

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • How about an alarm clock/radio/cd-player from TEAC. It's styled like they were in the fifties -- white with chrome grills over the speakers, fat cylindrical knobs for volume and tuning and a chrome ribbed disk in the middle where there is an am/fm pointer. I'm not sure the chrome is really chrome but it's got that look.

    It's similar to this:

    but it's white, it's got no remote control, it's an older model from teac and it's not quite as nice, mine is in good condition, they've just improved the styling a bit over the last few years it seems.


  • Not quite on topic, but...

    How about a My Turn column? The one in Newsweek has been a great read for many years. Something like Phil Factor's stories, but from a wider range of experience?


  • I offer a pencil with a bite mark in it from John Voight (the orthodontist not the actor).

    !Please Note - this is a joke for all the Seinfeld fans out there!

  • I'll gladly trade you a cheeseburger today for your pencil w/ Voight bite mark Tuesday.

    Taken from the old saying "I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a cheeseburger today"!


  • How about a half full bottle (optomist view) of water, a miniture tootsie pop (cherry flavor) and my extra black dry erase pen. I will even throw in a picture of the railroad tracks I get to look at from my office, and if lucky, have a train in the picture.

  • I'll trade my balance of QOD points.

  • One thing that has'nt surfaced yet;

    Our friends, the IRS...

    People do barter with success (a lot), but make a best effort to hide it from "big brother" who is even now trying to figure out how to get their "piece-of-the-pie".

    Advertising your sucess is asking for it...

  • Given that I live in the UK(ish) the IRS doesn't grab me but the QOD points for an hours programming might be fun - language limited of course (C, COBOL, VB, VB.Net, VB Script, ASP, ASP.Net, ICL Application Master and SCL/JCL, DOS....) everything else is possible but you may just receive a version of "Hello World"! 

  • Wimpy said that on Popeye!!

    I'd give you scandalous pictures of chinchillas hacking a network.

  • Just saw the latest update on the red paper clip barter.  He got his house:

  • Very cool!!!!

    I'd forgotten about this one. Thanks.

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

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