One slow client - network issue?

  • We have a group of servers using one SQL database on one server.

    Since moving the SQL database to a new server, with a new name (due to a disk failure), one of the servers is slow to connect, and slow to produce results of queries. Fortunately it is one of our test servers, although I had to deploy an undertested change been less a test server.

    We have run out of ideas of what the problem could be, and may well just reinstall the server to try and solve the issue.

    When making a connect with Query Analyser (for example), it takes about 8 seconds. A simple query to return 1 row takes 16 to 22 seconds (where as another box halfway across the country - rather than on the same 100Mbps switched ethernet - gets the same result from the same SQL server in less than 1 sec).

    The queries are only slow if we do a "select * from

    where ". If we specify the columns we want "select col1, col2 ..." then the results are displayed fairly promptly (ignoring the slow connect).

    We have tried "named pipes" versus "tcp", checked networking, naming, DNS (forward and back), and using IP address for connect. Authentication is SQL Server auth. The connection settings given in the SQL Analyser GUI are exactly the same as on a machine that works fine.

    Packet tracing suggests that communication with the SQL server is done quickly, and that it takes a long time to display the results, however the box is not busy, or resource strained, and the problem persists over reboot.

    Versions of Microsoft client database software are the same as other working boxes as far as I can tell, and this box worked fine, until the database was moved to the backup database server.

    Oh occurs to me I should try querying one of our other databases from the problem box. But any other idea welcome.

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  • In my experience, if a query in QA runs slow on one box, but not the other, it's a RAM issue. The box with the most RAM wins, hands down every time.



    David W. Clary
    Data Miner 49er
    Sr. Database Administrator, Ceiva Logic

  • Thanks - turned out to be logging on the ODBC driver.

    Took some finding as no one remembers enabling it.

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