One-to-Many, UNIONS or JOINS? (Working solution attached)

  • This is more of a logic check as I have a solution BUT is it a good one? I am wondering whether I should just use some type of JOIN but I can't find a JOIN (or combination of JOINS) that will deliver so I worked on a UNION solution. The key issue is the number and type of one-to-many and pseudo one-to-one relationships that exist in the simple 3 table setup.

    Below is a full dump of the problem along with all the SQL to create the tables with sample data so you can play around and see for yourself.



    Be able to report upon a particular account and detail its budget and transactions for any particular month ... simple?



    I have the following set-up (derived from MS Great Plains Dynamics Accounting package) - if you are interested I will detail the underlying table names but its not strictly relevant.

    • FinAccount - A table holding Accounts
    • FinBudget - A table holding monthly budgets for accounts. Key thing here is that there may or may not be budgets for any particular month
    • FinTrans - A table holding transactions for the account. Obviously there may or may not be transactions.



    Well this is where it might get interesting:

    R1 = FinAccount.AccIndex (1-Many) FinBudget.AccIndex

    R2 = FinAccount.AccIndex (1-Many) FinTrans.AccIndex

    R3 = Well see if you understand the following:

    I need to match not only the relevant Account Budget with the appropriate Account Transactions but a Budget/Trans relates to a specific Year and Month so you get:

    FinBudget.AccIndex  = FinTrans.AccIndex

    FinBudget.YearID  = FinTrans.YearID

    FinBudget.MonthID = FinTrans.MonthID

    CUT & PASTE into Query Analyser or something

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FinAccount] (

     [AccIndex] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [RegionCode] [char] (2) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL ,

     [CostCentreCode] [char] (4) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL ,

     [CostTypeCode] [char] (5) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FinBudget] (

     [AccIndex] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [YearID] [smallint] NOT NULL ,

     [MonthID] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,

     [BudgetAMT] [decimal](19, 5) NOT NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[FinTrans] (

     [AccIndex] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [YearID] [smallint] NULL ,

     [MonthID] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,

     [TransAMT] [decimal](19, 5) NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    INSERT INTO FinAccount VALUES ('1', '10', '5420', '1')

    INSERT INTO FinAccount VALUES ('2', '10', '5420', '2')

    INSERT INTO FinAccount VALUES ('3', '10', '5420', '3')

    INSERT INTO FinAccount VALUES ('4', '10', '5420', '4')


    INSERT INTO FinTrans VALUES ('1', '2004', '1', '1000')

    INSERT INTO FinTrans VALUES ('3', '2004', '1', '3000')

    INSERT INTO FinTrans VALUES ('4', '2004', '1', '50')

    INSERT INTO FinTrans VALUES ('4', '2004', '1', '75')


    INSERT INTO FinBudget VALUES ('1', '2004', '1', '500')

    INSERT INTO FinBudget VALUES ('2', '2004', '1', '1000')

    INSERT INTO FinBudget VALUES ('4', '2004', '1', '150')


    You should get the following:


    AccIndex    RegionCode CostCentreCode CostTypeCode

    ----------- ---------- -------------- ------------

    1           10         5420           1

    2           10         5420           2

    3           10         5420           3

    4           10         5420           4


    AccIndex    YearID MonthID BudgetAMT

    ----------- ------ ------- ---------------------

    1           2004   1       500.00000

    2           2004   1       1000.00000

    4           2004   1       150.00000


    AccIndex    YearID MonthID TransAMT

    ----------- ------ ------- ---------------------

    1           2004   1       1000.00000

    3           2004   1       3000.00000

    4           2004   1       50.00000

    4           2004   1       75.00000

    UNION Solution


    (SELECT FinAccount.AccIndex,






     FinBudgetAMT = Null,


    FROM    FinAccount INNER JOIN FinTrans ON

      FinAccount.AccIndex = FinTrans.AccIndex)


    (SELECT FinAccount.AccIndex,







     TransAMT = Null

    FROM    FinAccount INNER JOIN FinBudget ON

      FinAccount.AccIndex = FinBudget.AccIndex)

    AccIndex    RegionCode CostCentreCode CostTypeCode YearID MonthID FinBudgetAMT          TransAMT

    ----------- ---------- -------------- ------------ ------ ------- --------------------- ---------------------

    1           10         5420           1            2004   1       NULL                  1000.00000

    1           10         5420           1            2004   1       500.00000             NULL

    2           10         5420           2            2004   1       1000.00000            NULL

    3           10         5420           3            2004   1       NULL                  3000.00000

    4           10         5420           4            2004   1       NULL                  50.00000

    4           10         5420           4            2004   1       NULL                  75.00000

    4           10         5420           4            2004   1       150.00000             NULL

    Final Solution (Group)


    SELECT  AccIndex, RegionCode, CostCentreCode, CostTypeCode, YearID, MonthID, SUM(FinBudgetAMT) AS BudgetMonth, SUM(TransAMT) AS TransMonth

    FROM    dbo.[UNION]

    GROUP BY AccIndex, RegionCode, CostCentreCode, CostTypeCode, YearID, MonthID

    AccIndex    RegionCode CostCentreCode CostTypeCode YearID MonthID BudgetMonth   TransMonth                              

    ----------- ---------- -------------- ------------ ------ ------- ------------- --------------

    1           10         5420           1            2004   1       500.00000     1000.00000

    2           10         5420           2            2004   1       1000.00000    NULL

    3           10         5420           3            2004   1       NULL          3000.00000

    4           10         5420           4            2004   1       150.00000     125.00000

  • You've unioned the data which, if you want to return a dataset, is the right thing to do. If you wanted a summation of the data you have to sum it and include the columns not specified in the select clause in the group by clause, which AccIndex=4 illustrates perfectly.

    You can also insert the data into a temporary table and then select it along with your summations and group by clause.


  • Hi,

    If you want to use joins, then try this


    SELECT     A.AccIndex, A.RegionCode, A.CostCentreCode, A.CostTypeCode, B.YearID, B.MonthID, B.TotalBudget, B.TotalActual

    FROM         dbo.FinAccount A LEFT OUTER JOIN

                              (SELECT     COALESCE (Budget.AccIndex, Actual.AccIndex) AS AccIndex, COALESCE (Budget.YearID, Actual.YearID) AS YearID,

                                                       COALESCE (Budget.MonthID, Actual.MonthID) AS MonthID, Budget.TotalBudget, Actual.TotalActual

                                FROM          (SELECT     AccIndex, YearID, MonthID, SUM(BudgetAMT) AS TotalBudget

                                                        FROM          dbo.FinBudget B

                                                        GROUP BY AccIndex, YearID, MonthID) Budget FULL OUTER JOIN

                                                           (SELECT     AccIndex, YearID, MonthID, SUM(TransAMT) AS TotalActual

                                                             FROM          dbo.FinTrans T

                                                             GROUP BY AccIndex, YearID, MonthID) Actual ON Budget.AccIndex = Actual.AccIndex AND Budget.YearID = Actual.YearID AND

                                                       Budget.MonthID = Actual.MonthID) B ON A.AccIndex = B.AccIndex


    basic theory is to sum up budget and actual separately first, then join the aggregations using full outer joins


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