one trigger for every table ?

  • I've taken a cursory look at the FAQ's and current topics and can't find anything that would address this issue, so here goes... Is there a way to create one trigger that would fire for a deletion on any table in the databse? I'd like to track deletions in my database and store them in a common table with a structure something like this:


    TableName varchar(250),

    ID integer,

    DeletedDate datetime


    You assistance is greatly appreciated.

  • what a difference a Subject line makes... SO, now that I have "read" my own post 10 times, and only two other people have looked at it, I will post my own reply in an effort to attract attention. I guess this just can't be done and I'll have to make 200+ delete triggers instead of one.

    Edited by - joshcsmith13 on 08/11/2003 12:50:16 PM

  • You'd have to put a trigger on each table.


  • Need to do one for each table, it wouldn't be that hard to script however. Also there are some audit tools that do this for you.

  • Hi joshcsmith13,


    Is there a way to create one trigger that would fire for a deletion on any table in the databse?

    what is the reason for this?

    Just asking, because I asked some time ago somewhere else a same question with the intention to track admins activity on the Server. It turned out that I 'simply' had to remove BUILTIN\Administrators to get rid of this problem.



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • The reason for this trigger is this: the project I am working on has many independant databases running on various client sites. A communication process in the application scans all tables for records with a "LastChanged" date greater than the last communication and sends them up for insertion or update in a large corporate database/warehouse. This process has been in place and working fine for a while now. In striving to keep a more accurate depiction of each clients data, we would like to track their deletions as well.

  • this blows. Now that I've gone to the trouble of creating a trigger for every table, I realize that there is some lookup/processing necessary before the record is deleted, so an AFTER DELETE trigger doesn't work. And when I try an INSTEAD OF DELETE trigger, I get errors because the majority of my tables have cascading delete Foreign Keys!! AAAAAAAAARGH! Any magical suggestions/solutions are welcomed, as well as empathic confirmation that it is hopeless.

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