One update statement - 2 messages with # rows affected

  • The following update statement:

    Update company_ext_attributes

    set ExtValue603 = AprimoRTSMappings.Region,

    ExtValue604 = AprimoRTSMappings.Territory,

    ExtValue312 = AprimoRTSMappings.SubCode

    from AprimoRTSMappings,companies,company_ext_attributes

    where companies.company_id=company_ext_attributes.company_id

    and company_ext_attributes.ExtValue301 IN ('OED','EID')


    and ISNULL(AprimoRTSMappings.state,'A') =


    when <> 'USA' then ISNULL(AprimoRTSMappings.state,'A')

    else companies.state


    AND companies.company_id in (797039,846066,926631,819017,825779,916530,874446,835550)


    (1 row(s) affected)

    (4 row(s) affected)

    Whereas the 'select' version this query only returns 4 rows.

    What can the first (1 row affected) be?

    Thanks for the help,


  • I think you have probably turned on "include actual execution plkan" in SSMS

    When on it returns an extra result set .. OR there is a trigger in there that fires and updates one row.


  • When I turn on Include Actual Execution Plan, I get;

    (4 row(s) affected)

    (1 row(s) affected)

    (1 row(s) affected)

    (1 row(s) affected)

    (1 row(s) affected)

    (1 row(s) affected)

    (1 row(s) affected)

    There is an update trigger:

    But is suggests all 4 rows should be updated leading to 2 messages of (4 row(s) affected) each.


  • Check triggers on company_ext_attributes

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

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  • Here is the trigger. When I reviewed this, I concluded that each of the 4 rows would have been updated, therefore the additional message would have 4 affected rather that 1 affected.

    I had intended to include the trigger in the previous reply - sorry.

    ALTER Trigger [dbo].[AGS_InsertUpdateCompanyExtAttributes] ON [dbo].[company_ext_attributes]




    Declare @SFDC_AcctOwnerID nvarchar(400)

    , @SFDC_AccountOwnerName nvarchar(255)

    , @CompanyID int

    IF @@RowCount > 0


    SELECT @CompanyID = company_id FROM inserted

    if (@CompanyID is null)

    SELECT @CompanyID = company_id FROM updated

    --Grab the SFDC Account Owner ID (represents a SFDC Login ID)

    SELECT @SFDC_AcctOwnerID = ExtValue227

    FROM company_ext_attributes

    WHERE company_id = @CompanyID

    --Grab the Participant name that is tied to a SFDC User, via the Partipant's Owner Key (EA ID: )

    SELECT @SFDC_AccountOwnerName = RTRIM(LTRIM(isNull(first_name + ' ', '') + isNull(last_name,'')))

    FROM participant_ext_attributes pea

    INNER JOIN participants p

    ON p.participant_id = pea.participant_id

    WHERE pea.ExtValue901 = @SFDC_AcctOwnerID

    UPDATE company_ext_attributes

    SET ExtValue239 = @SFDC_AccountOwnerName

    WHERE company_id = @CompanyID



  • That trigger will not work correctly with multiple rows. Common mistake of retrieving something from inserted into a variable - so you get one of them. There are lots iof examples around on how to write triggers that handle multi-row updates, but essentially you need to ensure ALL rows in inserted and deleted are dealt with (preferably not using a cursor!)


  • SELECT @CompanyID = company_id FROM updated

    Your code contains the line above... there's no such thing as an UPDATED table inside the trigger. Do you have a table outside the trigger called UPDATED?

    Trigger tables are named INSERTED and DELETED... there is no UPDATED trigger table.

    --Jeff Moden

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  • Very true. To see what rows are updated you refer to the DELETED table for the old values and INSERTED for the new values.



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