Only Keep The First Occurance

  • Heh. ROTFLMAO! Oh, the irony!

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • Given a table Courses, with columns CourseID ('CIS101', etc) and Description and a table Classes, with columns ClassID (111, 112, etc), CourseID (FK to Courses table) and BeginDate, this will do the trick:

    select c.CourseID as Course,

    l.ClassID as Room,

    l.BeginDate as Date,

    case when x1.CourseID is not null

    then c.Description

    else '' end as Description

    from dbo.Courses c

    join dbo.Classes l

    on c.CourseID = l.CourseID

    left join (

    select c1.CourseID, Min( l1.ClassID ) as MinID

    from dbo.Courses c1

    join dbo.Classes l1

    on c1.CourseID = l1.CourseID

    group by c1.CourseID

    ) x1

    on x1.MinID = l.ClassID;

    If you want the DDL:

    create table Courses(

    CourseID varchar(50) NOT NULL primary key,

    Description varchar(500) NOT NULL,


    create table dbo.Classes(

    ClassID int NOT NULL primary key,

    CourseID varchar(50) NULL,

    BeginDate datetime NOT NULL,



    ADD CONSTRAINT FK_Classes_Courses


    REFERENCES dbo.Courses (CourseID);

    ALTER TABLE dbo.Classes

    CHECK CONSTRAINT FK_Classes_Courses;

    insert into dbo.Courses( CourseID, Description)

    select 'CIS101', 'Basic CIS class' union all

    select 'CIS102', 'Intermediate CIS class' union all

    select 'CIS103', 'Advanced CIS class';

    insert into dbo.Classes( ClassID, CourseID, BeginDate )

    select 111, 'CIS102', '2008-01-01' union all

    select 112, 'CIS102', '2008-01-01' union all

    select 123, 'CIS101', '2008-01-01' union all

    select 124, 'CIS101', '2008-01-01' union all

    select 125, 'CIS101', '2008-01-01' union all

    select 136, 'CIS103', '2008-01-01';

    I'm not making any claims as to efficiency -- you would probably be better off if, as others have advised, to let the front-end do it. But if you are only working with a couple hundred rooms or less, it shouldn't be too bad.

    Tomm Carr
    Version Normal Form --

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