Opening 1433 port for SQL Server cluster

  • Experts,

    SQL Server 2012 two node single instance cluster.

    For DB access from application severs, do we need to open port (1433) for NODE IPs too ?

    Or is it enough if we open the port 1433 only for VIRTUAL IP ?

    Thanks in advance,


  • The clients will never use the node IP address to connect to SQL Server. Just open the port on the virtual IP address.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thank you very much.

    Was checking for such a specific answer, clear now.

  • if you limit your access on a per client basis (ie server1 connect to dbserver on port 1433, instead of everybody to dbserver on port 1433) then, if you have any outbound traffic(linked servers, file transfers, etc) from the sql cluster then you would need to allow both physical nodes as your client, outbound traffic is from physical node not virtual IP

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  • Thanks Robert, understood.

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