Optimal Pivot Query

  • I am looking for an optimal way to pivot some data.

    Source Data


    database_name type backup_finish_date


    master  D 2004-05-04 23:41:33.000

    model  D 2004-05-02 02:00:16.000

    msdb  D 2004-05-02 02:00:20.000

    SQLDB  D 2004-05-02 02:00:10.000

    model  I 2004-05-05 02:31:51.000

    msdb  I 2004-05-05 02:31:49.000

    SQLDB  I 2004-05-05 02:31:47.000

    SQLDB  L 2004-05-05 06:00:01.000

    You can simply create it for yourself by running the query:

    SELECT  database_name,


     MAX(b.backup_finish_date) backup_finish_date

    Into    DBBackup

    FROM   msdb.dbo.backupset b 

    WHERE b.type IN ('I', 'L', 'D')

    GROUP BY database_name, type

    Required Format


    DBName  D_Backup  I_Backup  L_Backup


    master  2004-05-04 23:41:33.000 NULL   NULL

    model  2004-05-02 02:00:16.000 2004-05-05 02:31:51.000 NULL

    msdb  2004-05-02 02:00:20.000 2004-05-05 02:31:49.000 NULL

    SQLDB  2004-05-02 02:00:10.000 2004-05-05 02:31:47.000 2004-05-05 06:00:01.000

    Here is what I came up with.




     (SELECT TST2.backup_finish_date FROM DBBackup TST2 WHERE DBS.database_name = TST2.database_name AND TST2.Type = 'D') D_Backup,

     (SELECT TST2.backup_finish_date FROM DBBackup TST2 WHERE DBS.database_name = TST2.database_name AND TST2.Type = 'I') I_Backup,

     (SELECT TST2.backup_finish_date FROM DBBackup TST2 WHERE DBS.database_name = TST2.database_name AND TST2.Type = 'L')  L_Backup

    FROM    ( SELECT distinct database_name FROM  DBBackup)  DBS

    Are there any better alternatives ?


  • Hi,

    Try this, I think it may be what you're looking for:






        FROM DBBackup

    GROUP BY     database_name,backup_finish_date,TYPE


  • Hi Peter,

    Can you explain "With CUBE" clause?

    I don't have any idea about it...

    Plz bear with my ignorance...





  • If you have EXCEL 2003, Import the data into EXCEL and then use the Pivot Table and Report functions. You will save yourself a lot of time.


  • Actually, I think With CUBE has been deprecated.  It's a SQL Server 6.5 feature that allowed for viewing data three dimensionally.  Now the prefered method is to use Analysis Services, and Build your CUBE with the Analysis Service Manager.  But I thought this might be a quick solution for you. 

    The previous suggestion of using pivot table in Access or Excel is also a good one.


    Good Luck


  • That is, as long as your expected record size is within Excel's limits. I sometimes drop the data into a SQLServer table and then link to this table from within Excel using External Data Source and an ODBC link on the pivot table. Works real nice.


  • This calls for some lateral thinking ...

    First off, we require a list of database names in the backup_set;

    then we require the last date when differential backups took place;

    then we require the last date when log backups took place;

    then we require the last date when database backups took place.

    So here goes:

    SELECT b.database_name, I.I_BACKUP, L.L_BACKUP, D.D_BACKUP


    (SELECT distinct database_name

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset) as B,

    (SELECT database_name = left(database_name, 20),

    I_BACKUP= MAX(backup_finish_date)

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset

    WHERE type = 'I'

    group BY Database_Name) as I,

    (SELECT database_name = left(database_name, 20),

    L_BACKUP= MAX(backup_finish_date)

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset

    WHERE type = 'L'

    group BY Database_Name) as L,

    (SELECT database_name = left(database_name, 20),


    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset

    WHERE type = 'D'

    group BY Database_Name) AS D

    WHERE I.database_Name =* B.database_name

    and L.Database_Name =* B.Database_Name

    and D.Database_Name =* B.Database_Name

    NOTE: =* indicates a right outer join.


    database_name I_BACKUP L_BACKUP D_BACKUP

    -------------- -------- ----------------------- -----------------------

    deliveries NULL 2004-05-12 21:00:20.000 2004-05-12 21:00:19.000

    master NULL NULL 2004-05-12 21:00:05.000

    model NULL NULL 2004-05-12 21:00:06.000

    msdb NULL NULL 2004-05-12 21:00:08.000

    MyAcc NULL NULL 2004-05-12 21:00:09.000

    ProManage NULL NULL 2004-05-12 21:00:20.000

    PSO NULL NULL 2004-05-12 21:00:24.000

    test NULL NULL 2004-05-12 21:00:08.000

    (8 row(s) affected)



      b.database_name As DBName,

      MAX(CASE b.type WHEN 'D' THEN b.backup_finish_date ELSE NULL END)  D_Backup ,

      MAX(CASE b.type WHEN 'I' THEN b.backup_finish_date ELSE NULL END) I_Backup ,

      MAX(CASE b.type WHEN 'L' THEN b.backup_finish_date ELSE NULL END) L_Backup

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset b 

    WHERE b.type IN ('I', 'L', 'D')

    GROUP BY b.database_name




    Sachin Dedhia

  • Thanks to all.I am choosing Sachin's solution that was better than what I had come up with.

  • I have heard nothing on depricating WITH CUBE from the group by syntax and there are no notices on this anywhere I can find where it is being considered.

  • My Bad.  It hasn't been depracated.  Something I heard. I shouldn't go around spreading rumors.

  • My Bad.  It hasn't been depracated.  Something I heard. I shouldn't go around spreading rumors.

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