Optimization Job running forever

  • Apologies: This was supposed to go to the SQL 7,2000 group.

    Has anyone experienced an optimization job that does not error but appears to suddenly run much longer than normal. The job normally completes in 2 to 3 hours and in that time runs optimization on about 36 databases - it is currently still running 2 days later! It is processing, CPU and IO are clocking up and the db has changed so it will complete eventually. There are no errors or warnings in any of the logs, it appears to have hung for a day or so and then carried on. Does anyone know what could cause this and how to prevent it?


    The Aethyr Dragon

    Cape Town

  • I haven't seen this. Unless there were some transaction that prevented access to a table, I don't know what would take so long.

    I'd reboot the server to clear it if needed and you might manually try running the DBCCs. Also, check the logs, be sure nothing is broken.

  • Thanks Steve. An open transaction / connection is the only thing I can think of but I was worried in case I was missing something else - the delay was about 2 days. All the logs look fine (SQL / Agent / Event logs).

    I incorrectly posted to the SQL 2005 group, thought I'd deleted this one - so if there's anything else that you can think of that's SQL 2000 specific I'd appreciate the input.


    The Aethyr Dragon

    Cape Town

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