Optional Parameters

  • Hello All,

       I have using optional parameters for one of my reports.

    When I run the report, the optional parameters appear with a check box (NULL) beside the input box. I have to check the check box if I dont want to enter value to this parameter.

    Is there any way to get rid of this check box?




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  • I think you can set it in the properties section of the report on the Report Manager. You can also set it at design time from VS.NET.

    Dinakar Nethi
    Life is short. Enjoy it.

  • 1. Open the report in question (in your vs.net IDE)

    2. Go to the 'report' menu (on your IDE menu bar)

    3. Select 'Report Parameters'

    4. Select the parameter you're interested in and choose 'allow null value'.



  • Thanks Justin!

    but I did that. I checked the "Allow null value", but the page still displays the check boxes


  • Just a thought, but my reasoning for the checkbox being there is that you can allow blank and null, and without selecting either of these you can't leave any paramters empty when running a report.  Keeping in mind that blank <> null (really null can't equal "anything"), just leaving the (say) textbox blank does not actually make the value returned to the server/query "null", it's just 'empty'.  Therefore, if you want to send a true null, you have to check the checkbox.  What you may want to try is allowing blank.  Your back end logic may need to change (ie instead of doing an " IS NULL " in your query, you may do a [ = '' ] (where '' = 2 * single quote, ie a zero length string). 





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