ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified

  • What the hell am I missing, I've combed over this!


                         a.[FirstName] + ' ' + a.[LastName] AS FullName,

                            s.[Phone] AS Phone,

                            s.[HomePhone] AS HomePhone,

                            a.[PersonalEmail] AS Email,


                            s.[Email] AS AlternateEmail,

                            s.[Addr1] +  ' ' + s.[Addr2] + ' ' + s.[City] + ',' + s.[State] + ' ' + s.[Zip] + ' ' + dbo.bbGetCountryDescription(s.[syCountryId]) AS PrimaryAddress,

                            a.[PrefAddress1] + ' ' + a.[PrefAddress2] + ' ' + a.[PrefCity] + ' ' + a.[PrefState] + ' ' + a.[PrefZip] + ' ' + dbo.bbGetCountryDescription([PrefadCountryId]) AS ShippingAddress,


                                             FROM  [bbIBM] a

                            INNER JOIN c2000.dbo.[tyUser] s ON s.[tyUserId] = a.[tyUserId]

                            LEFT JOIN TtUsers u ON u.tyUserId = s.tyUserID

                            LEFT JOIN ttUserRoles ur ON ur.ttUserId = u.ttUserId AND ur.ttRoleId = @xttRoleID

     INNER JOIN AdClassSchedTerm st ON st.AdTermID = @xTermID AND st.UserID = u.ttUserID  WHERE   1 = 1

                      AND s.[Active] = 1

                      AND u.[Active] = 1

                      AND u.[syCampusID] = @xsyCampusID

     ORDER BY a.[FirstName], a.[LastName], s.[Phone], s.[HomePhone], a.[PersonalEmail], s.[tyUserID], s.[Email], s.[Addr1], s.[Addr2], s.[City], s.[State], s.[Zip], a.[PrefAddress1], a.[PrefAddress2], a.[PrefCity], a.[PrefState], a.[PrefZip], u.ttUserID ASC

    ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.

  • Something like this should do it.

    ORDER BY FullName, s.[Phone], s.[HomePhone], a.[PersonalEmail], s.[tyUserID], s.[Email], ShippingAddress, u.ttUserID ASC

  • that works but problem is, then I lose control of whether I want to order FirstName before LastName or vice versa precedence

  • Then you'll need to return the first Name, and Last name individually and exclude the "FullName" value. and then Concantenate on the presentation Layer.


  • actually no I don't it works fine...thanks.  So you can use aliases and in fact looks like you must include the Alias, not the individual fields that make up the Alias in your ORDER BY

  • It's not that you must.  I think you came on one of the rare exceptions.

  • You can use the alias, the calculation firstname + lastname, or the column number...


    order by 'FullName'

    order by firstname + ' ' + last name

    order by 1

    all produce the same result...




    Ben Sullins
    Beer is my primary key...

  • Thanks all!

  • I know there have been plenty of good replies already, but when I have a lot of concatenated columns or aliased columns the easiest way for me to handle the order by clause is to use the column numbers instead of the field names. Just be careful if you ever delete fields to update the order by. So in this case you would just use Order by 1,2,3,4,5,6, etc.

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