ORDER BY megabytes DESC

  • i have a query which shows a [data] column which is

    in megabytes with values such as: 16568.22 MB

    i can't seem to get the ORDER BY clause to ascend or descent

    the values properly.

    how do i correct that? I just want to the [data] column

    to be properly ordered.

    ORDER BY is usually pretty simple, but it doesn't seem

    to work for values for KB, MB, GB, TB etc.

    any ideas?


  • You don't give us a sample of the results, but I will bet it IS ordering the values correctly. Your [data] column is most likely a string type of data type (CHAR, VARCHAR). So it will order the values in DICTIONARY order, not NUMERICAL order.

    Why are you storing different 'sizes' in the column? If the column is megabytes, then that is what should be stored, not KB, GB, TB, etc. Storing the correct value would let you drop the letter designators from the column and change the data type to NUMERIC(10,2) or whatever you needed.


  • Your [Data] column must be a varchar?  To get it to order correctly, you'll need to strip out the MB value and convert it to a numeric value.  For example:

    DECLARE @table TABLE (data varchar(100))

    INSERT INTO @table

    SELECT '16568.22 MB' UNION ALL


    SELECT '168.22 MB' UNION ALL


    SELECT '1658.22 MB' UNION ALL

    SELECT '165.22 MB' UNION ALL

    SELECT '158 MB'

    SELECT *

    FROM @table

    ORDER BY data

    SELECT *

    FROM @table


    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • thanks for all the quick replies!


    I was just mentioned the kb, mb, gb as a general thought. i'm

    not really collecting all that information. just a simple column

    with mb.


  • john

    many thanks.

    i'm making those changes now. i'll just change the column

    name to something like [mb_size]


  • If for some reason you needed to keep in varchar (I'm not recommending it), you could do the following:

    ORDER BY len([data]),[data]


  • interesting...

    i'll keep that in mind.



  • steve,

    ORDER BY len([data]),[data]

    why is this not recommended? it's the simplest solution.


  • It all depends on the data you are working with.  For example, a list of 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 10a, 20, 89 would be sorted as 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 20, 89, 10a because 10a is a length of 3.

    In your situation of KB, MB, etc., you would have to be sure that there is one and only one space after the number and before the label.  Also, if some had commas and others did not, that would mess it up.  Then, do you want all of the KB to come before the MB if they are mixed?


  • actually; you are correct in the list example.

    it was not ordered properly, but

    when i ran this:

    order by len(), size

    it was properly ordered.

    thanks again.


  • incidentally it's for the column of the SYSFILES table.

    here's my query:

    select name, left (filename, 3) as 'drive', size

    from MyDatabase..sysfiles

    order by drive, len(), size


  • I'm glad it works for you.


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