Order by While inserting

  • I Have a below query

    create table #temp1(

    ID int identity(1,1),

    Two int,

    Name varchar(10) )

    INSERT INTO #temp1

    SELECT 2,'BCA'




    SELECT 5,'Bdc'



    select Name,ID,Two into #temp2 from #temp1

    order by Name

    select * from #temp1

    select * from #temp2

    The Output is


    ID Two Name

    ----------- ----------- ----------

    1 1 XXABCD

    2 2 BCA

    3 4 ABCD

    4 5 Bdc


    Name ID Two

    ---------- ----------- -----------

    ABCD 3 4

    BCA 2 2

    Bdc 4 5

    XXABCD 1 1

    (4 row(s) affected)

    But i want the Temp#2 result set as below can any one help me.

    Name ID Two

    ---------- ----------- -----------

    ABCD 1 4

    BCA 2 2

    Bdc 3 5

    XXABCD 4 1

    (4 row(s) affected)

  • SELECT * FROM #temp2



  • while inserting the #temp2 the name and ID (identity ) columns should be in order


    --Your sample data

    CREATE TABLE [Temp#1] (ID INT, Two INT, Name VARCHAR(6));

    INSERT INTO [Temp#1]

    SELECT 1, 1, 'XXABCD'



    UNION ALL SELECT 4, 5, 'Bdc';

    --Insert statement


    INTO [Temp#2]

    FROM [Temp#1];

    --View results

    SELECT * FROM [Temp#1];

    SELECT * FROM [Temp#2]



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  • No they shouldn't. A table is an unordered set. The database engine will retrieve rows from a table in the way and in the order it judges most expedient. The only way to guarantee what order they come out in is to use an ORDER BY clause.


  • ID is an identity column, you shouldn't try to force it into a specific order.

    Furthermore, it is useless to specify an ORDER BY on an INSERT.

    ORDER BY Clause (Transact-SQL)

    When used together with a SELECT...INTO statement to insert rows from another source, the ORDER BY clause does not guarantee the rows are inserted in the specified order.

    If you want the data to be returned in a specific order, then use an ORDER BY on the SELECT statement.

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  • select Name,Two into #temp2 from #temp1

    order by Name

    alter table #temp2

    add <NewColumn ID> int identity(1,1)

    Add ID column later.


  • Thank You For Your Help Again Thank You So Much

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  • John Mitchell-245523 (2/14/2012)

    SELECT * FROM #temp2



    John Mitchell-245523 (2/14/2012)

    No they shouldn't. A table is an unordered set. The database engine will retrieve rows from a table in the way and in the order it judges most expedient. The only way to guarantee what order they come out in is to use an ORDER BY clause.


    Koen Verbeeck (2/14/2012)

    ID is an identity column, you shouldn't try to force it into a specific order.

    Furthermore, it is useless to specify an ORDER BY on an INSERT.

    ORDER BY Clause (Transact-SQL)

    When used together with a SELECT...INTO statement to insert rows from another source, the ORDER BY clause does not guarantee the rows are inserted in the specified order.

    If you want the data to be returned in a specific order, then use an ORDER BY on the SELECT statement.

    I think you guys missed the OPs result-set.

    ID Two Name

    ----------- ----------- ------

    1 1 XXABCD

    2 2 BCA

    3 4 ABCD

    4 5 Bdc

    Name Two ID

    ------ ----------- --------------------

    ABCD 4 1

    BCA 2 2

    Bdc 5 3

    XXABCD 1 4

    Look at his "ID" column. You'll see that he essentially wanted to order that by the "Name", rather than using what was already stored in [Temp#1].

    Obviously I agree with you both that SQL Server has no physical ordering, and therefore ordering the set in the INSERT is incorrect, but this works as requested: -

    --Insert statement


    INTO [Temp#2]

    FROM [Temp#1];

    asiaindian (2/14/2012)

    select Name,Two into #temp2 from #temp1

    order by Name

    alter table #temp2

    add <NewColumn ID> int identity(1,1)

    Add ID column later.


    That isn't guaranteed to work. As Koen pointed out, an INSERT with an ORDER BY is not guaranteed to actually ORDER the set.

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  • Cadavre (2/14/2012)

    Look at his "ID" column. You'll see that he essentially wanted to order that by the "Name", rather than using what was already stored in [Temp#1].

    Well, the OP said that he wanted to do it while inserting:

    while inserting the #temp2 the name and ID (identity ) columns should be in order

    As many pointed out, that is not possible. It is possible in the SELECT statement, as you have clearly demonstrated:

    Cadavre (2/14/2012)

    ..., but this works as requested: -

    --Insert statement


    INTO [Temp#2]

    FROM [Temp#1];

    So your solution comes closest to the OP's expectations 🙂

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

  • Koen Verbeeck (2/14/2012)

    Cadavre (2/14/2012)

    Look at his "ID" column. You'll see that he essentially wanted to order that by the "Name", rather than using what was already stored in [Temp#1].

    Well, the OP said that he wanted to do it while inserting:

    My hope is that comment from the OP was a language barrier thing, or a simple misunderstanding of how SQL Server works. As I said, I agree with both of you that INSERT with an ORDER BY is useless.

    However, the result-set requested is indicative of simply requiring the "ID" to be ordered by "Name" in [Temp#2]

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  • ACtually - using an ORDER BY during the insert would guarantee the ID's be generated in the correct order. Conor Cunningham confirmed that to be true a long while back.

    Note that that is the ONLY guarantee. Has nothing to do with which order they were physicially being inserted in.

    So the functionality the OP is looking for IS in fact accomplished by adding an order by into the INSERT.

    create table #temp1(

    ID int identity(1,1),

    Two int,

    Name varchar(10) )

    INSERT INTO #temp1 (two,name)

    SELECT 2 as two, 'BCA' as [name]




    SELECT 5,'Bdc'



    order by [name]

    select * from #temp1 order by id

    (Yes - you still need the ORDER by in the results if you want the rows to show up in the correct order, but the ID's were assigned in the expected order this time).

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  • Koen Verbeeck (2/14/2012)

    ID is an identity column, you shouldn't try to force it into a specific order.

    Furthermore, it is useless to specify an ORDER BY on an INSERT.

    ORDER BY Clause (Transact-SQL)

    When used together with a SELECT...INTO statement to insert rows from another source, the ORDER BY clause does not guarantee the rows are inserted in the specified order.

    If you want the data to be returned in a specific order, then use an ORDER BY on the SELECT statement.

    I've found that the only time there's a problem with that is... {edit: In a non-partitioned table}

    1. If parallelism occurs and that's easily taken care of with OPTION(MAXDO 1)

    2. If the ORDER BY operand contains something indeterminate such as GETDATE().

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  • When used together with a SELECT...INTO statement to insert rows from another source, ...

    I take that to mean what it explicitly says -- if you do SELECT ... INTO <new_table>, the order is not guaranteed.

    For a standard INSERT INTO, I thought ORDER BY is in fact enforced.

    I hope so, because it's extremely useful, as you can sort data by the clus index column(s) for the receiving table.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • ScottPletcher (2/14/2012)

    When used together with a SELECT...INTO statement to insert rows from another source, ...

    I take that to mean what it explicitly says -- if you do SELECT ... INTO <new_table>, the order is not guaranteed.

    For a standard INSERT INTO, I thought ORDER BY is in fact enforced.

    I hope so, because it's extremely useful, as you can sort data by the clus index column(s) for the receiving table.

    Yes, but you can sort the data by any column any time. Creat a NC index. It just seems to be too much work when you still need to retrieve results in some order. If you don't then who cares? 🙂

    CE - Microsoft

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