OSQL login failure

  • I installed Access 2000 and the included "lite" version of MS SQL 7 in order to set up a server database scenario. I used Windows NT authentication. I have no problems accessing the server database I create either through Access' adp front ends, or via Microsoft Query in Excel. Occasionally, Access will request my password, but usually it is transperant. However, now I have set up some Excel sheets that query data from the database. As long as I am logged in with my Windows domain name, I have no problem accessing the data. If I log in under another user's domain name (as a test) I do not have access. Good- that means security is working.

    Here is the problem; not having Enterprise Manager and its nifty graphical interface, I went to OSQL to begin adding users with the db_datareader role permissions. But OSQL will not let me log in. I have tried everything I can think of- command line switches to force OSQL to log onto my server (-S), my database (-d), my login id (-U), and any other combination I could think of. I even tried the default "sa". No go. Why does Access, MS Query, and Excel allow me to access the server with full authority, but OSQL won't let me in?

    Help! This whole project is useless if I cannot grant other people access.

  • osql /? will give you help. /E is for trusted connections using Windows auth.

  • The OSQL -E parameter worked! Thanks, Steve.

    I bought several books on SQL, Excel, and Access; but they all seem to assume that the user has Enterprise Manager. None of them really go through the motions for those of us fuddling along with the "lite" version. This site has helped a couple of times with issues like this. I appreciate it.

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