Out of memory issue

  • Hi all,

    I have Access front-end and sqlserver backend application.  One of my users constanly see the message popped out "Out of Memory" when he tried to close an Access form; he couldn't even close the Access database unless using task manager and killed the access. But the rest never saw that message.  Do you have any clues? I tried but couldn't find what cause the problem.  Thanks


  • I've run into that on occasion. Couple of things to check:

    • Any process still running in Access?
    • Is a form open either in design-mode or hidden in the background?
    • What else is running on that PC?
    • Does this machine have any guts? Or is it the castoff machine from Gilligan's Island?

        Just things to look at.

    Jim P.

    A little bit of this and a little byte of that can cause bloatware.

  • Usual questions....do you have:

    1.  The latest service packs and updates for Office?

    2.  The latest service packs and updates for Windows?

    3.  Any other application taking up memory that could contend such as SQL Server?


    What version of Office are you running?

    Derrick Leggett
    Mean Old DBA
    When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.

  • Another thing to check might be as simple as what does this user have up and running that others dont....

    May be some "unofficial" software has crept onto the machine either a realtime stock ticker, weather bug, some sort of music application (winamp, etc..)


    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


  • Boy, this website is sloooow today!

    In my hands, with large Access ADE or ADP projects, you get "Out Of Memeory" messages if your page file is too small.  Sometimes, WIndows seems incapable of automatically increasing the pagefile size.  The problem goes away if you increase the max size of the page file.  It's also best to increase the minimum size of the page file to a very generous value - at least 512KB.

    Also, you should look into memory leaks in your Access program that only affect computers with limited RAM/pagefiles.

  • Thank you for all of the ideas.  I checked but it seems that my case was not belong to any cases that you mentioned:

    1. The client machine run on XP with SP1

    2. The version of Office is 97 with SP2

    3. That client machine has 256M of RAM

    4. No sqlserver program is running on his machine.  he connects to sqlserver through that Access front end

    5. The Access database that he accessed is only 26Mb

    6. There is only 1 form in that Access db that he had problem with when other users opened that form at the same time.

    7. No unofficial software are installed on that machine since XP has the capability to prevent users from installing software only admin can.

    It gave me a big headach since that user is the big boss and he got mad with that issue. 

  • Well, you can always fire up Task Manager on his machine to see if there are any memory hogs running.  Also, even a small database can have a large memory leak, and a small database can download huge amount of data (especially OLE objects & images) that could be a problem.

    Another thought: check his free disk space.  If there isn't enough free disk space for expansion of the pagefile, that might do it also.  I also have 256 MB RAM, and I have seen the same error message due to a nearly filled disk (400MB left.)

    And another thought: could the error be an ADO or ODBC error from the server, that is sent to the client?  Perhaps the error message is related to some constraint on the server???? when others users are competing for the same data??? 

    And another thought: There are known -native- memory leak problems up to and including Access 2002.  I had to get a "hidden" fix from Microsoft to solve some of my problems.  The problem is much worse if you do not close Access periodically to free up memory.  Sometimes you have to kill Access in the Task Manager if it does not unload itself.  Make sure the user closes Access every few hours, and preferably reboots at least once a day as well.

    Good luck...


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