Outer Apply within an Outer Apply

  • Can't seem to get the syntax correct. Maybe there is a better way to do this.

    I'm trying to put an Outer Apply within an Outer Apply.

    Here is the query:


    emp.eid, emp.agentid,


    mail.EmailAddr, mail.LName, mail.FName

    FROM employees AS emp

    outer apply

    (select emailid


    (select emailid

    ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY agentid ORDER BY endDate DESC, modDt Desc) AS RowNum

    from employeeinfo

    where (stDate <= dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, getdate()), 0)


    endDate > dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, getdate()), 0)


    ) AS z

    where RowNum = 1) as info

    Where emp.agent = info.agent

    And here is the 2nd Outer Apply I want to put into the 1st Outer Apply:

    outer apply

    (select top 1 EmailAddr, LName, FName

    from employeemail x

    where CAST(info.emailID + '@company1.com' as varchar(255)) = x.mail

    ) As mail

    Once I find the info.emailid in the 1st Outer Apply, I want to use that in the 2nd Outer Apply. But I keep getting syntax errors.

    Any ideas as how to code this?



  • DDL, sample data and desired output would go a long way to getting you an answer. It is not at all clear what you mean by putting an outer apply inside another outer apply.


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  • Sean Lange (4/18/2014)

    DDL, sample data and desired output would go a long way to getting you an answer. It is not at all clear what you mean by putting an outer apply inside another outer apply.

    Maybe I am going about this wrong.

    The 1st query gives me what I want and I'm trying to add the next piece in.

    Here is the result of the 1st query:

    EID AgentID info.emailID

    sql123 59231 Sqlraider.Syntax

    Now I need to take Sqlraider.Syntax and add '@company1.com' to it for: 'Sqlraider.Syntax@company1.com'. Using this I need to read another table were I could have none, one, or many in the results but I only need the Top 1. Pulling the information from that row.

    I don't know what info.emailID is until the 1st Outer Apply executes so I don't what I need to achieve my desired results. I do know that if I put the 1st query in a temp table and then run the 2nd Outer Apply against it I'd get the desired results but I want to achieve this in one query not two if possible.

  • To paraphrase what Sean has already said, please provide CREATE TABLE scripts for all of the relevant tables, INSERT Statements to populate those tables with test data, and and example of what the desired output will look like.

    This will make it much easier for us to understand your situation and the result you're trying to achieve.

  • Try this:


    emp.eid, emp.agentid,


    mail.EmailAddr, mail.LName, mail.FName

    FROM employees AS emp

    outer apply

    (select top (1) emailid

    from employeeinfo ei


    ei.agentid = emp.agentid and

    (stDate <= dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, getdate()), 0)


    endDate > dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, getdate()), 0)


    order by endDate DESC, modDt Desc

    ) AS info

    outer apply

    (select top 1 EmailAddr, LName, FName

    from employeemail x

    where CAST(info.emailID + '@company1.com' as varchar(255)) = x.mail

    ) As mail

    Where emp.agent = info.agent

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • ScottPletcher (4/18/2014)

    Try this:


    emp.eid, emp.agentid,


    mail.EmailAddr, mail.LName, mail.FName

    FROM employees AS emp

    outer apply

    (select top (1) emailid

    from employeeinfo ei


    ei.agentid = emp.agentid and

    (stDate <= dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, getdate()), 0)


    endDate > dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, getdate()), 0)


    order by endDate DESC, modDt Desc

    ) AS info

    outer apply

    (select top 1 EmailAddr, LName, FName

    from employeemail x

    where CAST(info.emailID + '@company1.com' as varchar(255)) = x.mail

    ) As mail

    Where emp.agent = info.agent

    Sorry it to so long to reply...been putting out fires over the weekend.

    This is what I was looking for and gets me the desired results.



  • Sqlraider (4/21/2014)

    ScottPletcher (4/18/2014)

    Try this:


    emp.eid, emp.agentid,


    mail.EmailAddr, mail.LName, mail.FName

    FROM employees AS emp

    outer apply

    (select top (1) emailid

    from employeeinfo ei


    ei.agentid = emp.agentid and

    (stDate <= dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, getdate()), 0)


    endDate > dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, getdate()), 0)


    order by endDate DESC, modDt Desc

    ) AS info

    outer apply

    (select top 1 EmailAddr, LName, FName

    from employeemail x

    where CAST(info.emailID + '@company1.com' as varchar(255)) = x.mail

    ) As mail

    Where emp.agent = info.agent

    Sorry it to so long to reply...been putting out fires over the weekend.

    This is what I was looking for and gets me the desired results.



    Great, glad it helped!

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

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